LIS Stitches/misc worrying

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Re: LIS Stitches/misc worrying

Postby GilmoreGirl » 30 Apr 2017, 20:06

It sounds like you're doing well! If it doesn't cause you pain, sitting should be fine! It also helps to try and move around a little to keep the blood flowing and digestion moving.

I think what you bought should be perfect! I normally do the baths for 10-20 minutes 3-5 times per day, always after I have a bm.

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Re: LIS Stitches/misc worrying

Postby AJStyles » 30 Apr 2017, 21:19

Okay yea i try to move as much as i can, thanks sweetheart. Hope we will be better soon.
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Re: LIS Stitches/misc worrying

Postby ResMePlz » 01 May 2017, 07:12

For some reason when I log into my Diaboliq account, the entire website is blank and won't load....

What is considered "constipation"? Is it not being able to go when you feel like if? Excessive straining just to get it out? I keep trying to get my BM super soft but I'm still taking the percocets so I've been having a little trouble going.

AJ I know you said this is your second round. How long after the first did you realize it didn't work or that you re-tore? It's kind of got me nervous because being constipated from years of opiates is what got me into this entire nightmare in the first place, and with gaining access to painkillers, I feel myself falling right back in line with old habits. (Once and addict always an addict is a true statement.)

So was it months of constipation or hard BMs that negated the last surgery? Or something you did in the beginning?

My surgery for sure worked because I get zero pain (aside from some muscle aches, but it hasn't even been 2 weeks yet post op) when having a BM.

Another questions for anyone: how long after surgery did your body stop responding as if you're about to have severe pain after a BM? I've been overdoing the miralax and stool softener to counter act the opiates (still not really working well). For instance, when I went this morning, the first BM I had some trouble getting out, took a shower, had to go again, went easier, but it was harder. And then I had to go a third time and it was super soft. So after that ordeal that normally would have me almost crying for 2 hours in pain, nothing happens but a slight ache, and I can feel the muscle want to spasm out, but it just doesn't, leaving no pain. My problem is that my body thinks pains is coming, so I get super tense, feel like I can't move because of pain even though there is none, and I get this overall feeling of dread like I'm about to pay a huge price for having a BM. It's like my body hasn't gotten the message that the nightmare is over. How long, if at all, did you guys go through that?

I'm 32 AJ, and I can't wait to just sit on the computer and game out all day long. I haven't played PC games in almost 2 weeks and I'm having withdrawals 8D I do have a PS3 hooked up in my room but it's hard to play while laying on your side. Good luck!
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Re: LIS Stitches/misc worrying

Postby GilmoreGirl » 01 May 2017, 07:25

Have you tried any soluble fibre supplements along with the stool softner? When are you taking the stool softner in relation to meals? Are you drinking lots of water?

I think your body will soon adapt to the reduction in pain. If you can, do your best to consciously relax. Take deep breaths, listen to music while you go, whatever it takes. A trick my physiotherapist showed me is putting your fist over your mouth (with the hole/thumb over the mouth) and blow through the small hole as you go. It adds resistance to breathing out so it helps you "push" with the abdomen not the sphincter when you go. I hope that makes sense!
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Re: LIS Stitches/misc worrying

Postby AJStyles » 01 May 2017, 08:55

Diaboliq, the thing after my first sugery was that i A) didn't took any sitz baths and B) didn't keep my BM's soft because i thought i get surgery and its just gonna heal itself, but it seems like you gotta do alot yourself too.

So after 3 weeks my pain got alot better and i thought i was almost healed but then after the next 2-3 weeks the pain came back, worse and worse and the doc gave me some Cremes etc and from then on it just was re torn. Really pissed me off, so after 7 Months i realised that its not gonna heal and i need another surgery (Doctor recommended that too) So i got surgery now its 3 weeks post LIS and i'm feeling better but i still have some pain after BM. I fucking hope this shits gonna heal now, because i'm keeping my stools soft and taking lots of Sitz baths, and it seems to work. Good luck to you, drink lots of water thats what i'm doing, i dont like stool softeners because they cause me to run to the toilet every 2 hour and take a shit
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