Hi I'm new to this board and will give you a little background on my issue. I'm a healthy 45 year old male that use to weigh around 200 pounds and now am down to 170. It started about 4 years ago as just a bit of blood on my stool and in the bowl but with each passing year things got worse. About 2 months ago I had a very painful stool and have yet to recovered. At the urge of my girlfriend I sought medical help and my GP referred me to a surgeon. He, in turn, recommended the creams and then a colonoscopy to see if everything was alright. I waited in pain for two weeks and it finally got done and came back clean, no growths or internal hemmys bothering me. What they did discover was I had develop two large fissures one at either end with lots of scare tissue. A fissurectomy and lis was ordered and I go in a week from tomorrow. I am so nervous and am currently trying to get my diet right and my stress level down. I'm trying to eat mainly fibre rich foods and have swore off any beverage other then water. My stools have always been regular with a changing of size and hardness, but lately they have come out hard and large, I need soft and small right now and after surgery, how can I do this? If anyone has any info on the two operations I'm having it would be wonderful to hear from you with any advice.
Thank you and I'm trying to stay positive but I've injured myself a lot in my life, from broken bones to torn muscles and I would gladly have one of those injuries instead of this.