LIS surgery and Fissurectomy

I am worried

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LIS surgery and Fissurectomy

Postby Northernboy » 14 Oct 2013, 20:07

Hi I'm new to this board and will give you a little background on my issue. I'm a healthy 45 year old male that use to weigh around 200 pounds and now am down to 170. It started about 4 years ago as just a bit of blood on my stool and in the bowl but with each passing year things got worse. About 2 months ago I had a very painful stool and have yet to recovered. At the urge of my girlfriend I sought medical help and my GP referred me to a surgeon. He, in turn, recommended the creams and then a colonoscopy to see if everything was alright. I waited in pain for two weeks and it finally got done and came back clean, no growths or internal hemmys bothering me. What they did discover was I had develop two large fissures one at either end with lots of scare tissue. A fissurectomy and lis was ordered and I go in a week from tomorrow. I am so nervous and am currently trying to get my diet right and my stress level down. I'm trying to eat mainly fibre rich foods and have swore off any beverage other then water. My stools have always been regular with a changing of size and hardness, but lately they have come out hard and large, I need soft and small right now and after surgery, how can I do this? If anyone has any info on the two operations I'm having it would be wonderful to hear from you with any advice.
Thank you and I'm trying to stay positive but I've injured myself a lot in my life, from broken bones to torn muscles and I would gladly have one of those injuries instead of this.
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Re: LIS surgery and Fissurectomy

Postby vdb324 » 14 Oct 2013, 20:18

My tips:
Lots of water, which it sounds like you're doing
Stool softener (colace; docusate sodium) and perhaps a laxative like Miralax (I use both --> three Colace pills throughout the day and a half cup of Miralax in the morning and a half cup at night - adjusted as needed)
Sitz baths (or warm bath twice a day to relieve pain)
I am working on my diet, as I know I have room for improvement there, but lots of veggies, fruits, etc.
To be honest, the biggest thing out of the above that helped for me was Miralax.

Have you been taking fiber supplements? These can result in larger stool, but at the same time, my CRS recommended at least a spoonful a day to help my bowels empty in one visit.
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Re: LIS surgery and Fissurectomy

Postby bumtastic » 14 Oct 2013, 21:40

vdb is right. I did pretty much ditto what he did. Miralax is wonderful in keeping the stool soft. Get into a routine foodwise a week before surgery so your body is used to it by the time you have surgery. I used to have three colace everyday(morn, noon and night after every meal) and a dose of Miralax in the morning. I started doing this a week before the surgery.
three to four sitz bath everyday (one after every bowel movement) and other ones when you feel like. I also used to do Metamucil everyday in the night 15 min before dinner. 10-12 glasses of water minimum. Some apple juice.
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Re: LIS surgery and Fissurectomy

Postby Northernboy » 14 Oct 2013, 21:50

No I tried Metamucil and Lactulose for a few days but had bad burning from it or something else. I here good things about Miralax and hope to get some soon. BM's have become softer since I'm only eating brown rice, bran flakes, fruits and veggies and some chicken and fish, but I need them smaller along with softer, is that possible lol. I have no idea what to expect post surgery, my doctor isn't the informative kind, so I'm trying it on here. I'm not afraid of not being able to control anything I'd rather have that then this:) Have you had the surgeries before?
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Re: LIS surgery and Fissurectomy

Postby Northernboy » 15 Oct 2013, 20:29

I'm starting to get a little worried now. I was in pain all day after a bm and had to leave work(again) because it was very and I mean very sore down there. I raced home jumped in the tub and sighed with relief. But to my surprise after exit from the tub I was still in extreme pain but only a different kind of pain. The burning sensation was gone like usual after 5 or 6 hours but it was replaced by a throbbing pain on the upper side of my anus. After a careful search I found a marble sized lump under my skin and when it was pressed it hurt like hell. I strain very hard during a bowel movement because the skin tags from the fissures has basically blocked my path and the opening is down to toothpick size if no straining is involved. What could this be. Any help would be appreciated.
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Re: LIS surgery and Fissurectomy

Postby revma3 » 25 Oct 2013, 23:19

Did you go to the doctor and sort out the bump?
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