Thanks msimon! We definitely do learn new things everyday, which is a good thing. I'm by no means and expert either, there is just too much information out there to digest. To be honest, I'm not sure what's common and what is not. I've read some posts where folks talk about having stitches too. One particular post references stitches being inside. My procedure didn't involve stitches, and the incision was left open. In doing my research, I wasn't sure if this it what they mean by open and closed methods. There must be varying techniques and I would imagine surgeons do what they were taught, are most comfortable with, and feel might be most effective based on their experience. Hopefully all helpful information that helps educate and gets folks asking good questions when they get to this path. I wonder if we pulled all the data provided be everyone in this forum if we could create our own research

). As long as the methods all work and get us feeling better that is all that matters.
Happy to report it's later in the day and I haven't had much pain at all since early this morning. I'm lasting on just the two Ibuprofen I took then. Positive thoughts, positive thoughts, positive thoughts.