LIS Surgery

Are you having, or have you had a Lateral Internal Sphincterotomy (LIS)? Please share your experiences here, or ask any questions.

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Re: LIS Surgery

Postby missy moo » 24 Jan 2021, 18:14

How old are you guys? Im 32 and stef2020 I've known its cycle related since a few months after my fissure started i believe it could be due to low estrogen and or high progesterone ive spoken to many mums like us on this site over the last 7 years an we all agree it must be hormone related in woman who have a monthly flear up of their fissure.
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Re: LIS Surgery

Postby missy moo » 24 Jan 2021, 18:18

Pzgre i understand the mental toll it takes on us its the worst part for sure. Lookibg back on some of my worst fissure times it was pure hell at 1 point i just couldn't wait to get old an die already because i could never commit suicide but i have spoken to alot of people on here who are sick of life with a fissure an want to end it all which is terrible something so small can really take over ones mental health.
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Re: LIS Surgery

Postby Pzgre » 24 Jan 2021, 21:05

Missy moo..I'm 40. My fissire also flares up around my menstrual cycle and takes awhile to settle down
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Re: LIS Surgery

Postby missy moo » 25 Jan 2021, 02:59

So annoying isn't it and just as it comes right it pops back up again horrible cycle i know.
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Re: LIS Surgery

Postby Stef2020 » 25 Jan 2021, 04:30

Oh wow, you have been suffering for a very long time then. Is it the same fissure re-opening or always in different places?
Its such a struggle because its not as if it's something you can easily talk to people about e.g if you're in pain at work and even then I don't think others can comprehend how much pain a small cut can cause.

I think he was officially listed as a general surgeon but specialize in colorectal, gastrointestinal and laparoscopic.

Have you had any of the procedures to help? Assuming you haven't had LIS?
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Re: LIS Surgery

Postby Stef2020 » 25 Jan 2021, 07:13

I am 31 years old so having surgery wasn't something I wanted to do as in my head I was 'too young' for something like that but ultimately I didn't want to any more years of pain.

My mum has also had the surgery a number of years ago. She suddenly got a fissure from diarrhea and when it was finally confirmed as a fissure, her surgeon told her to just have the surgery. She literally woke up the next day, a changed women and hasn't had any problems since. This was over 10 years ago now.

What if stopping you both from having the surgery?
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Re: LIS Surgery

Postby missy moo » 26 Jan 2021, 04:32

Its the same fissure reopening but the surgeon who did my botox twice said its small with no build up of scar tissue but i find that hard to believe after 7years. As for why i haven't had lis yet is because ive always been scared my fear is making it worse plus botox has helped my flear ups are less often less painful an heal quicker but the test will be postpartum i guess since both botox were done in between having my last child an this 1 an it always gets really bad after having my babies so we'll see. I also live in a small town an worry that the free general surgeons here haven't had much experience with lis. I mite need to pay and go get it done out of town privately by a crs.
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Re: LIS Surgery

Postby Stef2020 » 26 Jan 2021, 13:41

I feel your pain and I bet your dreading the fissure more than the child birth right!?
Hmm yes I would have thought after 7 years, there is something stopping it from healing. Having children is also just so tough on the body, the birthing, lack of sleep and having to pick them up all the time doesnt help. I had decided that I was unlikely to have any more children so was the right time for me to get it done.

I would seriously consider getting it done. The surgery is absolutely fine and I completely understand the thought of it is terrifying (trust me I was there) but now I'm on the other side, I can't believe I didn't do it sooner. You need time to rest for sure though so maybe once the baby is a bit older and not so full on?

Just to update on my recovery:
11 days in now but all my swelling and bruising seems to have gone. I have a little tiny 'feeling' (not pain) when I need to go to the toilet but now no after pain. I've been pretty active the last 2 days (we had snow in the UK so we went for walks and helped kids build a snowman). It ached a little last night but settled down after a bath. Still bathing twice a day and trying to keep it super clean. Its been a little itcy at night but I think this is because of skin healing over but generally i am feeling good and I'm hoping im over the worst of it now.
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Re: LIS Surgery

Postby missy moo » 26 Jan 2021, 14:35

Yes definitely worried more about the post baby stage! How bad is that when its worse then childbirth. I'll keep you updated hopefully things are way different this time around im just trying to stay positive. Thats so great how well your doing and it gives me confidence in the surgery please stay to keep updating us people dent to drop off once they not in pain anymore. I'd like to be able to talk to someone who understands not just the fissure but life with kids an a fissure an child birth an postpartum with a fissure because as you know its a dam lot to deal with.
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Re: LIS Surgery

Postby Stef2020 » 26 Jan 2021, 16:15

I ended up with two planned c-sections as both my babies were breech so I can't talk for labour pain but I can definitely say the fissure was worse than being cut open too!

Of course, happy to continue to update and I'm here should you ever need to chat - I agree its so helpful to have someone to talk to who is going through it too.

Will keep everything crossed that you have a simple birth and can just enjoy your new little one without the added stresses xx
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