LIS Surgery

Are you having, or have you had a Lateral Internal Sphincterotomy (LIS)? Please share your experiences here, or ask any questions.

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Re: LIS Surgery

Postby missy moo » 26 Jan 2021, 16:44

Thank you. Me too fingers crossed, it would be nice to enjoy one of my babies while they are little.
missy moo
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Re: LIS Surgery

Postby Stef2020 » 12 Feb 2021, 09:35

Hello all

Thought I would just do a quick update.

It has been 4 weeks today since my surgery. It continues to go well, no pain / just slight feeling still when I go to the toilet.

I saw my surgeon for a follow up after 2 weeks who agreed that it sounds like all is going well. I asked how long it would take for everything to fully recover inside and he said 6 to 8 weeks so I am continuing to be extra careful until then (and I am sure forever more too!). I am still taking laxatives and don't plan to stop anytime soon.

Surgeon confirmed there was a cut, although it was very small and insignificant at 6oclock position. The lump at 8oclock was removed and sent for testing was came back clear. He made his incision for the LS at 3oclock and fingers crossed, it seems to have done the job!

Couldn't be more grateful and happy that its finally coming to an end and I can enjoy my life without the worry of when my next episode is going to be.

For those out there, struggling with this everyday menace, from my experience I  would seriously consider the LIS. I know it won't work for everyone, I know there are horror stories and I know surgery isn't something we should jump to but with such a high success rate i really think its worth trying.

I have been there and tried every single potion and lotion, spent money on 'creams that will cure', liquid diets, positive thinking that I will defeat it, spent endless days scrolling through forums for advice, crying into my pillow, hours in baths and ultimately missing out on valuable time watching my children grow up.

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Re: LIS Surgery

Postby Stef2020 » 16 Jun 2021, 01:45

Hi there

Thought I would do another update following my surgery. I am now 5 months in from surgery, although it feels a lot longer!

I have been great ever since and I would not look back. I still get scared everyday of it returning and I am still taking a laxative as a result, but so far so good. I know it doesn't work for everyone but I would seriously considering going for it - i don't wish those bad anal fissure days on anyone

I still take it very easy when pooing - no squeezing and just let it come when I'm ready (even if I'm late for work- its not worth it! :lol: ). I dont think that will ever change for me as although it may never return, I also want to make sure I continue to do everything in my power to help!

Please to all the sufferers, I would highly recommend giving it a big consideration. My family always comment how much happier I am and I am not controlled my this thing anymore.

Happy to answer any questions xx

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Re: LIS Surgery

Postby Pzgre » 20 Jun 2021, 11:49

Thank you for the update,happy to hear that you are doing well. Any issues with incontinence in the beginning?
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Re: LIS Surgery

Postby Stef2020 » 21 Jun 2021, 16:33

Hi Pzgre,
I had a little gas maybe 2-3 weeks following the surgery but think that was me not wanting to tighten and hold it in haha :lol: but all seems OK since. How are you doing?
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Re: LIS Surgery

Postby ken2021 » 01 Aug 2021, 09:01

Are you healed now? I am 17 days post OP and still a lot of pain :(
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Re: LIS Surgery

Postby Stef2020 » 24 Oct 2021, 13:00

Hi Ken, sorry I have only just seen your message. I am all healed now- I had mine back in January. How are you now as saw you messaged in August?
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Re: LIS Surgery

Postby Conifer » 24 Oct 2021, 15:34

Hi Stef2020. Enjoyed your diary as heading for the same myself in 3 weeks. I’m really hoping for a similar recovery to you. I was wondering how many days it took to feel you could sit comfortably? I wfh and desk based so just trying to figure out how much time I’d be either off work entirely or lying on my side in bed with the laptop (and camera off for meetings!!). So thrilled you are healed and thank you for sharing your experiences!
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Re: LIS Surgery

Postby Conifer » 24 Oct 2021, 15:35

P.s. I know there are a few posts about this on the site but there is something comforting about hearing things again in real time (esp from a female in a roughly similar age bracket)
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Re: LIS Surgery

Postby ken2021 » 24 Oct 2021, 20:15

Stef2020 wrote:Hi Ken, sorry I have only just seen your message. I am all healed now- I had mine back in January. How are you now as saw you messaged in August?

Hi Steff im so much better now , fissure has healed. But someone i have some minor pricking pain from LIS area. but over all im so good, it took me 3months to feel better
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