LIS surgery today, after years of indecision

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LIS surgery today, after years of indecision

Postby enough is enough » 15 Feb 2013, 22:53

Hi all, I've lurked here for ages, and appreciate all the info and stories. Long story short, as I'm typing on a laptop while lying down: had LIS surgery 8 hours ago with a board-certified CRS, she has a great reputation and manner. I vacillated on having the surgery for years, went through enough Nifedipine cream for an army, and finally decided I just couldn't let fissure pain ruin my life any more.
The novocaine (or whatever they use) has worn off, and I'm definitely feeling some pain and have taken 2 hydrocodone so far. Am hoping for a fast other big concern (no surprise) is incontinence. I had an embarrassing accident shortly after getting home, while I was still numb - doctor's office attributed that to the mostly-liquid diet I'd had yesterday. Turns out I was given incorrect advice! Image
I would love to hear success stories, words of encouragement and reassurance. AF is a beast, and I'd like to see it in my rear-view mirror (pun intended).
Last edited by enough is enough on 17 Feb 2013, 11:41, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: LIS surgery today, after years of indecision

Postby owmybum » 16 Feb 2013, 03:09

Hi enough,
I really hope you have a speedy recovery from your lis. I have not had it yet, so will be watching your progress with interest!
Take it easy
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Re: LIS surgery today, after years of indecision

Postby Jessjess » 16 Feb 2013, 11:06

Hello and welcome! I had LIS 13 days ago and no incontinence. My muscle is looser as it is much easier to go to the bathroom and pass gas. I've read that there can be some incontinence for the first 2 weeks and that the muscle eventually goes back to a tighter state yet not as tight pre LIS.
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Re: LIS surgery today, after years of indecision

Postby enough is enough » 16 Feb 2013, 11:14

Thanks! And sorry to all for the duplicate post - I tried to edit the original, and it posted twice. (In the first, I'd written "AF is a b***h, but apparently there's an automatic bowdlerizer embedded here!) Image
I had a reasonably restful night. Have passed some gas with no other issues, thank goodness. Have taken 4 hydrocodone so far, between 4pm yesterday and 6am this morning, and honestly, the butt pain I'm feeling now is no worse than what I had from the fissure itself. Also took 1 Vistaril this am, and am feeling decidedly loopy - not sure I want to continue down that road, but they tell me it's good for reducing nausea and anxiety. (Have had none of the former, and only feel anxious when I think about the first post-surgery bowel movement, which I hope will happen soon, as I'd like to get it overwith.)
Can't believe I'm talking about this stuff so openly, as I've always been shy about it, but I guess that's why we're all here, huh?
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Re: LIS surgery today, after years of indecision

Postby Jessjess » 16 Feb 2013, 11:27

Yes. It gets down to the nitty gritty here! Make sure you are drinking 8 glasses of water, stool softeners, mirilax, and plenty of fruits/veggies and prunes! With me, the painkillers, 6 percosets/day, cut back my bowel movements from 2 to 1 per day in the am after coffee.
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Re: LIS surgery today, after years of indecision

Postby marg6043 » 16 Feb 2013, 13:23

Enough is enough, I am with owmybum, I have not made a decision on having my fissure fix, so I am also reading and taking in all the experiences that members have during and after their surgeries.
I am happy you are doing fine and recovering well.
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Re: LIS surgery today, after years of indecision

Postby AF Angel » 16 Feb 2013, 13:55

Hi enough,
Glad that you finally took the decision and is on the "other" side already ! So proud of you and I really wish you a speedy speedy recovery. I am on the verge of deciding to do LIS. WIll make the decision by the next couple of weeks. And will keep watching this forum for experiences (mostly I make sure that I don't read the ones with horrible titles ! how hypocritical... ) It always makes me feel so comforting to read the positive experiences from other females because, we women's anatomy is SO SO different from men. I am a 29 year old female expecting to get pregnant soon, what is your situation regarding that ?
Anyone here, I will definitely appreciate if you could redirect me to any other female member of my similar situation who had an LIS ...
Enough, You will heal all better very soon.. My prayers for you.. Shine on girl !
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Re: LIS surgery today, after years of indecision

Postby enough is enough » 16 Feb 2013, 16:25

Thanks for the thoughts and well wishes! Re: female vs. male anatomy and childbearing vis a vis LIS - I've never had children, and at age 59 that particular ship has, that was not an issue for me. My CRS said that having had no pregnancies/deliveries meant an even better chance of having no post-LIS complications. So perhaps it's best to have it taken care of before becoming pregnant - I'd certainly talk that over thoroughly with your MD.
I don't think it's at all hypocritical to avoid posts/threads with scary stories! I did tons of research into LIS, and read lots of medical papers and abstracts in addition to all the anecdotal info out there. My fissure pain would come and go for weeks at a time, and I let myself get seduced into the "this time it's gone for good" cycle for years. Finally, it came back once too often and something just snapped for me...
My CRS put it this way: the patient has to be fully "on board" with having LIS; once that happens, they invariably report feeling better after the surgery, and wonder why they waited so long.
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Re: LIS surgery today, after years of indecision

Postby Jessjess » 16 Feb 2013, 22:32

When I first read about LIS and my fissure had started to heal, I thought whoa, will I have to have THAT done? Then, I started to have the awful pain and it became a "I can't wait to have THAT done!". I totally see why it scares people, but sometimes you just have to take a chance and hope that everything will be okay. :)
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Re: LIS surgery today, after years of indecision

Postby enough is enough » 17 Feb 2013, 11:47

I am happy to report that I've just had my first bowel movement post-LIS, with zero pain, and no bleeding. Zip, zilch, nada. There is the *tiniest* bit of stinging now, for which I've just taken 2 ibuprofen. It's been almost 24 hours since I've taken a hydrocodone.
I don't want to get cocky, or take anything for granted at this point, but nevertheless I am quite happily astonished! :D
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