LIS yesterday

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Re: LIS yesterday

Postby missy moo » 09 Jul 2017, 22:41

What is that? What causes it? I don't want more antibiotics I'll avoid them at all costs this new cyst thing is in a different area to the first but still around the anus.
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Re: LIS yesterday

Postby patience_and_healing » 09 Jul 2017, 23:55

It's caused by hair follicles getting inflamed. You can go see a dermatologist to get the right treatment for it. Antibiotics may or may not be necessary to treat it.

PS: please read this too viewtopic.php?f=4&t=8999
8/16-12/16: Fissure due to antibiotics
5/17: Botox to sphincter, fissure healed
9/19: Trigger point injections and pudendal nerve block
11/19: Botox to pelvic floor
8/20: Botox to pelvic floor in new location.
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Re: LIS yesterday

Postby missy moo » 10 Jul 2017, 02:22

Why do the follicles get inflamed? Is it because of the diltiazem cream? I rang my doctor he said just use the cream an didn't think it would be this issue you have mentioned even though he hasn't seen the pimple like thing
missy moo
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Re: LIS yesterday

Postby patience_and_healing » 10 Jul 2017, 09:35

You can make a separate thread on the forum for all your questions. This thread is for laurieb as she recovers from her surgery.

It would be helpful for your doctor to actually see what's going on with your skin.
8/16-12/16: Fissure due to antibiotics
5/17: Botox to sphincter, fissure healed
9/19: Trigger point injections and pudendal nerve block
11/19: Botox to pelvic floor
8/20: Botox to pelvic floor in new location.
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Re: LIS yesterday

Postby Laurieb » 14 Jul 2017, 07:43

Week 2

Since 4-5 days I feel the pain subsided a lot after my bm. I jump in the bath immediately after and the soreness feeling goes away a lot. In the morning I usually feel a slight pressure when I stand, but by lunch time it goes away on its own. During this time I'm usually working with my laptop in my bed, but again, 0 pain.
The itching has started earlier this week, like on Day 10 postop. It comes and it goes during the day. I will take this sensation over the spasms at any time! And if it means I'm healing, I'm ok with it.

Diet: I'm not 100% high fiber diet anymore. I cheated a bit with small portions of popcorn, chocolate cake and cheese, but this week I ate a vegan diet with a lot of berries - they're in season and they help the transit so I figured out they must be a staple in my diet! I also drink my daily 3 L of water.

Laxatives: In the morning I continue to take my Lax a Day in which I mix my fiber supplement. At night I take 2 colaces. I haven't had a hard bm since last week. Postop I had some and they definitely were caused by my narcotics.

Activities: since 2 days I'm able to drive for short periods. I ran some errands and went to the supermarket. I was able to walk normally. 0 pain. In the car, the only thing is that I have to sit with my weight on my left side and I place a heating pad on my right side. Same thing for when I sit on a chair, cannot do it normally yet and even if I sit, it can only be for few minutes.
Next week my goal will be to take a walk each day. I need to find my energy back.
By the week after, I should be able to do light workouts.

I cannot wait to see how I will feel next week. I'm satisfied with the LIS as the fissure and spasms pain never returned. But I know it will take a couple of weeks before I can say that the pain is gone for good. Will update again next week!
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Re: LIS yesterday

Postby patience_and_healing » 14 Jul 2017, 18:22

You sound like you're making really good progress! Keep it up! Things will get keep getting better for you. :)
8/16-12/16: Fissure due to antibiotics
5/17: Botox to sphincter, fissure healed
9/19: Trigger point injections and pudendal nerve block
11/19: Botox to pelvic floor
8/20: Botox to pelvic floor in new location.
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