It's done! And I can say, what a day! My situation is a bit uncommun because after months of suffering, I talked to my uncle who is a CRS and who reffered me to his colleague, who dx me a fissure and prescribed me diltiazem which didn't worked - too much irritation.
Last week I told my CR doctor I was ready for a LIS. She wanted me to first have a short colonoscopy, and the day after I met the CRS for a preop appnt, and yesterday I had the procedure.
Basically, the LIS itself took about 15 minutes, under epidural anesthesia + intravenous sedation. Pain free, I felt good during the afternoon. Around 5 p.m. I wasn't still released from the hospital because as in every epidural case, you need to have your first pee, which I wasn't able to have (my bladder was too full). Had to have a urinary catheter to empty my bladder.
At the same moment my Anesthesia started to really wore of in the butt area. As of this moment, won't going to lie, it was really, but really painful. Couldn't stop crying. I received 3 mg of dilaudid put it couldn't touch the pain. I was so anxious at the same time. I was lucky to have my parents and husband with me all day for the support. Nurses decided to keep me for the night and gave me straight morphine by injection. Wow, that's what I needed! Pain subsided and I was able to sleep fairly well last night.
This morning the pain slightly reappeared after my attempt to go pee. Failed again and catheter again. So I'm on a small dose of morphine, still at the hospital. They served my "solid diet" lunch, but I'm not hungry at all. Plus I started to have gas in my abdomen, which won't pass (and I'm scared to push to!). My goal today is only to be released from the hospital!
Any tips and tricks for my recovery? Thanks all!