Thissucks08 You will heal. I promise. Keep everything dry and clean.
Get a
bidet bottle (Home Depot has them in a lovely purple

) so you don't have to wipe other than pat dry (Don't spray too hard or pull apart to much given the wound).
Stay active (within reason). Don't over sit, spend the day lying down, or stand all the time. Sadly, your body will listen to you: The less you do the more pain you will get from doing very little. You may have a bit more pain from upregulating activity, but you'll either be moving up or moving down (Don't do or continue the latter). Avoid any strenuous activity (i.e., lifting, quick moves, etc.)
Very important to
stay calm and relaxed, doing some mindfulness and making sure you are relaxing all those small muscles that surround the muscle out of your control. You may actually get increased pain twinges when doing so from allowing more blood flow into the sphincter, but this will bring more healing. I do yoga everyday, stretching without over stretching the surrounding pelvic muscles.
Metamucil. Metamucil. It may sound counter-productive, but you don't want cow patty waste (no matter how much this is the preference almost all of us have unsuccessfully tried). It moves way too fast and tears rather than allowing the sphincter to slowly open for bulkier (yet soft formed 1/2" to 3/4") stools.
NEVER NEVER PUSH! For now (and maybe forever), you are better off having slow moving softies. You will literally feel full of $#!t. Remember, you have likely kept things soooo mushy that you are no longer used to the feeling of a full large colon. As long as things are still coming out and remain soft yet formed, it will keep coming.
A good night's sleep. The internal sphincter generally relaxes when you sleep. Get a good sleep each night. Not sure what to say about sleep meds (They can be quite counter-productive due to tolerance and some find it worsens gut issues). Don't sleep too much because then you will not sleep at night. Naps will also likely interfere with nighttime sleep, but I've had many a chronic pain patient (I'm in a different area than this) tell me that a quick nap resets their daytime pain (probably the muscles relaxing). I do find a quick nap can help me on those tight/bad days, but a poor/disturbed (kids startling) nap can make my pain worse.
All of the above is my recent (relaxed) regimen based on my experience and professional knowledge (Again, sphincters are not my professional area of expertise). It seems to be leading to slow healing, but something always comes up (e.g., replacing toilet, damaged flooring, etc.)...Argh!
Hang in there. You WILL heal. And you have had LIS, so way less chance of recurrence!