LlS, skin tag removal, hems banded

LlS, skin tag removal, hems banded

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Re: LlS, skin tag removal, hems banded

Postby missy moo » 17 Jul 2018, 00:14

Have you noticed any inconvenience I think that's my main fear
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Re: LlS, skin tag removal, hems banded

Postby PreggoAF » 17 Jul 2018, 06:00

Thanks Missy, it’s getting better although I think I still have a while to go before I’m pain free. After surgery my pain was a 10 out of 10, but it’s now at like a 5 or 6 after bowel movements and eases down to a 2 or 3 after a few hours. I’ve been experimenting with how much Miralax and magnesium and fiber I should be taking. It’s tough because before I had surgery I would take half a packet of Miralax with magnesium at night and some flax seed in my morning oatmeal and it allowed me to have perfect bowel movements once day. Now my routine is making me go like 3 times a day which is really aggravating the wounds. I’m trying to come off everything slowly so I don’t end up having a hard stool which I think would be worse.
Chronic fissure: January 2018
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Re: LlS, skin tag removal, hems banded

Postby missy moo » 17 Jul 2018, 14:40

Yea I think diet alone should be the goal you may then start noticing food that for you are a no no an you can start avoiding them hopeful 123 told me that lis helps with regularly like the tight muscles don't allow all the bm out so after lis things should be working like normal meaning if you take any additives like stool softners or laxatives they're going to over work because you don't need them anymore but before they worked for you well because your muscle was making you need there help, I've gone done to 1 sachet a day of miralax which hers is called molaxole an that's it I drink 8 glasses of water a day an try to eat healthy that's it am working towards no sachets an no fiber outside of food fiber
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Re: LlS, skin tag removal, hems banded

Postby Hopefull123 » 17 Jul 2018, 21:33

Missy is right, now I have stopped all types of softeners, even the psyllium husk, which was giving me normal BMs during injury, but as the healing began they produced looser stools which were bothering my bottom. Now everything is normal, I have to do a slight initial push to get thing started coming out, but this is how it's always been before when I was healthy. With the husk they start coming out on their own when I sit on the toilet but this is not a natural thing, it still indicates looser stool, which does not give a chance to your anal muscles to work on a daily basis and this stay elastic and healthy. So, slowly wean off of all laxatives, don't overdo the fiber with food either, especially insoluble fiber. Don't exceed more than 25 g soluble fiber per day and things will stay not too bulky.
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Re: LlS, skin tag removal, hems banded

Postby PreggoAF » 18 Jul 2018, 18:07

That’s so interesting to hear you both say that. I’ve been wondering why my routine hasn’t been working as well lately. Thanks for the tips ladies!
Chronic fissure: January 2018
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Re: LlS, skin tag removal, hems banded

Postby PreggoAF » 18 Jul 2018, 18:08

That’s so interesting to hear you both say that. I’ve been wondering why my routine hasn’t been working as well lately. Thanks for the tips ladies!
Chronic fissure: January 2018
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Re: LlS, skin tag removal, hems banded

Postby PreggoAF » 18 Jul 2018, 18:16

Day 8: Today was better than yesterday and yesterday was better than the day before. I only took half a Valium before my bowel movement with some ibuprofen and then just relied on a little ibuprofen for the rest of the day I felt no pain during the bowel movement but burning afterward and jumped right in the tub. I was a little sore for a couple hours after but not terrible. By the afternoon I was moving around as if I had never had surgery. So I’m definitely improving! I’ve managed to only have one bowel movement for the past couple days and that really helps. I’m off Miralax and just taking magnesium in the evening. Hopefully this keeps working for me. Bleeding is still occurring and I have to change my gauze several times a day but I think it’s decreasing a bit. The only weird thing is I ran a fever again today with a flu like feeling. Only up to 100.4 but still has me scratching my head because I feel my pain is getting less and swelling is going down a bit.
Chronic fissure: January 2018
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Re: LlS, skin tag removal, hems banded

Postby PreggoAF » 18 Jul 2018, 18:18

Also Missy, I haven’t experienced incontinence, not even for gas. But when I do have to go I feel like it hits me suddenly and then it hurts to hold it in, like it’s sore.
Chronic fissure: January 2018
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Re: LlS, skin tag removal, hems banded

Postby missy moo » 18 Jul 2018, 19:25

PreggoAF I would be aiming for 1 bm a day because if it's not coming out it drys out while inside then comes out harder an drier try take some fiber foods prunes are apparently the best to take because it's softens an moves the bm or pumpkin is really good too I have oats for breakfast a wholemeal salad sandwich for lunch an then a small amount of meat with veg for dinner everyday I try to keep it the same my safe zone I guess I drink 1.5 ltr water an snack on kiwifruit. Confusing how your getting temps did the doctor have a look? Hopefully it's just the flu
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Re: LlS, skin tag removal, hems banded

Postby PreggoAF » 18 Jul 2018, 19:58

Thanks Missy. I meant to write that I’ve had one bowel movement a day for the past two days. I think you’re right that I shouldn’t let myself go any longer than that or it will get too hard. I actually always have to go every morning usually right after I take my thyroid medicine. It just makes me have to go for some reason. Also, the doc wrote me a prescription for antibiotics in case my fever goes high again but I only want to take them if I really have to because they always give me diarrhea even if I take probiotics. My fever went back down a few hours later and I just can’t explain it. My CRS said an infection would be accompanied by worsening pain but my pain is decreasing every day. Maybe I just caught some other little bug from family since my immune system is probably lowered from the surgery
Chronic fissure: January 2018
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Miralax and Magnesium
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