by PreggoAF » 14 Jul 2018, 20:38
Day 4 Evening: After sleeping off my bowel movement pain I slowly improved to feeling halfway decent by nighttime. This is the best evening I’ve had so far, so that’s great :-) I looked at myself again with a hand mirror and find it hard to understand what I’m looking at. It looks like giant swollen masses and I don’t honestly even know where my butthole is. Dear lord that’s tmi, sorry, but I’m very confused about the situation. I’ve had a ton of bleeding and I don’t know where it’s comung from or if it’s normal. I’ll be calling the CRS on Monday with my concerns.
Chronic fissure: January 2018
Diltiazem since Feb 2018
Miralax and Magnesium
LIS, tag removal, hems banded: July 2018