Miralax long term use

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Miralax long term use

Postby kalyan1982 » 13 Apr 2018, 11:56

I have been on and off fissures for over 3 years now. I managed them by getting into a zone which some of my colleagues call isolation from rest of the world as thats the only way i could live this. Gave up drinking, socializing, sports, sex(almost).

Anyway i know everybody out there has a different story but what i am looking for is how long can you go on Miralax....i have been taking this for last 10 months and am worried this could lead to something major or life threatening. Any long term Miralax users out there and what they can offer me on their experience please ?

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Re: Miralax long term use

Postby clarissairene » 13 Apr 2018, 12:55

I don't know the answer to that and am not in the medical profession but my 7 year old suffers from constipation and eats veggies, fruits... everything. I don't think he drinks enough water. Anyway, his pediatrician told me I could give this to him and I was like, okay so for the times he needs it. And he said no, he can take long term to retrain his bowel and keep him regular. I keep seeing SO many others that have used it long term also. I don't, I want to. My doc said stick with the physllium husk and Colace for now but if I am not healed soon I am going to try miralax.
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Re: Miralax long term use

Postby lytefall » 13 Apr 2018, 20:37

My CRS told me it was safe long term, even at the double dose I am taking. But I agree with you. It worries me that it’s going to make my bowel lazy when I try to stop taking it.
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Re: Miralax long term use

Postby kalyan1982 » 14 Apr 2018, 00:42

Thanks. I guess we just have to find our way through this hellhole by trial and error. Oh Lord!. I'd think Job Security, life threatening illnesses, Mortgage would be major issues in life but no...a little would in the anus makes it to the top.
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Re: Miralax long term use

Postby Lsfb1989 » 16 Apr 2018, 15:26

My CRS also said long term use was fine - some people just have slow moving bowels and this sorts it out.
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