
How long can it be used??

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Postby Lin_2010 » 10 Jul 2019, 05:20

After trying many options to get softer BMs, along with using nitro cream, I've found Restoralax (the Miralax of Canada) to be the only thing that has reduced my AF pain/bleeding. After 2 years with my chronic AF, I'm finally feeling hopeful that I can heal.

I'm curious though...how long can one take this?

I read that it shouldn't be taken long term but I see on this forum many people are using it regularly. It's only been a week for me but I'm finally experiencing relief and am afraid to get off it. I apologize if this has been addressed already but I tried searching (so many posts!)

Also, for those that have found success with it, how have you weaned off? I read it draws water into the stool, helping it pass smoothly. Is it safe to assume I need to consumer more water??

Also it's thanks to this forum I even got this suggestion! (YAY!)
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Re: Miralax/Restoralax

Postby jis76 » 10 Jul 2019, 11:02

I have not been on it for 9 years now. I want to get off it, but every time I mention it to a doc they advise against. Every time I've cut back some, my fissures come back. Side effects for me have really been mild, but still wish I didn't have to do it every evening.

For some perspective, I'm male, 42 and in good physical shape. If you see my other post it's one of the key things I've used to heal my fissure.
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Re: Miralax/Restoralax

Postby dmcff » 10 Jul 2019, 14:22

I was advised by 2 GPs and several CRS that it's safe to take Miralax (macrogol) on a long term basis. I've been taking it regularly for 5 years now, and haven't noticed many problems.
2014 Anal fissure
2015 CAT, EUA, sigmoidoscopy, 2 MRI
2016 Pain severe then moderate to low
2017 Moderate pain
2018 Physical therapy, pain management
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