Hi Suzy, where can you buy dilators - I seen this in the relevant forum http://ssp-inc.com/products/pediatric-p ... -dilators/
But can't seem to buy.
The thing with me is that I can't stand the stool softener, although j have been taking it for the best part of 3 years. This generally works ok with a reasonable fibre diet, main thing u must avoid us white processed foods, e.g white pasta, white bread, white rice etc. These will go easy on stomach but will result in more formed stools and the I will inevitably tear. Trying dilation maybe worth a try, I have never really had big stools but they were formed, now it's more mushy. Anyway I would be grateful if you could suggest the dilators I could not but from the above - I am sure I would have to start with the very smallest - also I have read some stuff about how DMSO can help - there is an author called Jini, if you Google Jini and DMSO - let me know your thoughts and thanks for taking the time in helping others,like many here it a wonderful job everyone is doing and a great cause to help fellow humans who suffer such pain.
http://blog.listentoyourgut.com/dmso-pr ... trictures/