A while ago I went to the doctor with complaints of seeing blood on my toilet paper. She diagnosed me with (according to her) a 'huge fissure', which I had no idea I had. The cream she prescribed me helped stop the bleeding, but it came back again and so she sent me off to the surgeon. The surgeon saw the fissure had healed and she thought the bleeding came from two small hemorrhoids, which she banded. When I came back for the checkup the fissure had come back and so now I have another appointment in a month to check up on it again. Today I had a look down there with a mirror and noticed I now have more fissures, all of them pretty large and completely painless. One of them is off to the side with a weird yellow tag on it. Something tells me these aren't your typical fissures are they? I've also developed diarrhea/loose stools since a few days, so the fact I'm wiping more may have something to do with it, but still. I called the surgeon today and she wants to refer me for what I presume will be a colonoscopy. Anyone have similar fissures?