Multiple superficial fissures

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Multiple superficial fissures

Postby Justbehealthy » 25 Jun 2018, 18:42

Hey everyone,

I’m pretty new to this forum but I’ve been suffering from these fissures for close to 1 year now. It all started about 1 week after I gave birth to my baby. I had a very difficult delivery followed by extreme blood loss. I ended up having 3 surgeries (one of them being a c-section). To say the least, I’m lucky to be alive. Recovery went progressively well. I had to take antibiotics for about 2 weeks and I know my system was in fight or flight mode for a long while after all that. I think all the stress on my body took part in me developing my first fissure at 1 week post-partum. It got so bad, after attempting to heal it on my own for 2 weeks, I ended up at the clinic to ask for nitro. The doctor gave me the prescription and although it helped to heal the initial fissure, I began realizing that I had multiple ones. The fissures would heal, new ones would show up. Months and months passed. I saw a general surgeon and was prescribed different creams. They seemed to help make the fissures heal a bit quicker but they never entirely left. After 3 appointments with this doctor and a bit of an improvement (I think), I decided to take a break and see if time is what my body needed. The more time passed, the more I realized I was going in circles and needed help dealing with them. I booked another appointment with the surgeon. She recommends trying Botox. I am getting it done in July. Through all this time, I was really worried of the possible cause of these fissures. I have no history of Chrohn’s in my family and have no symptoms. Because I received blood transfusions after having my baby, I had blood tests at 3 and 7 months post-partum to rule out any diseases. They were all negative. The amount of fissures I have at one time varies from 1 to 8. My surgeon isn’t worried about the multiple fissures. They are superficial, last about 2 weeks (up to 4 for some) and leave. Sometimes the slightest larger bm causes a tear while other times I have a bm that is larger then usual and nothing tears. I don’t understand why I have this happening. I have no indication of having any skin issue and have never dealt with these before. Has anyone dealt or is presently dealing with multiple fissures? It’s nice to feel not so alone in these times!
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Re: Multiple superficial fissures

Postby patience_and_healing » 30 Jun 2018, 22:17

It sounds really frustrating to not be able to find a solution to this painful problem. Have you had a consultation with a dermatologist to make sure it's not a skin issue? Also, this thread might be helpful for you. post116811.html?hilit=Estrogen#p116811. It's a discussion on using estrogen cream to heal.
8/16-12/16: Fissure due to antibiotics
5/17: Botox to sphincter, fissure healed
9/19: Trigger point injections and pudendal nerve block
11/19: Botox to pelvic floor
8/20: Botox to pelvic floor in new location.
On and off in pelvic physical therapy
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Re: Multiple superficial fissures

Postby Jordydc5 » 18 Feb 2019, 00:37

Justbehealthy wrote:Hey everyone,

I’m pretty new to this forum but I’ve been suffering from these fissures for close to 1 year now. It all started about 1 week after I gave birth to my baby. I had a very difficult delivery followed by extreme blood loss. I ended up having 3 surgeries (one of them being a c-section). To say the least, I’m lucky to be alive. Recovery went progressively well. I had to take antibiotics for about 2 weeks and I know my system was in fight or flight mode for a long while after all that. I think all the stress on my body took part in me developing my first fissure at 1 week post-partum. It got so bad, after attempting to heal it on my own for 2 weeks, I ended up at the clinic to ask for nitro. The doctor gave me the prescription and although it helped to heal the initial fissure, I began realizing that I had multiple ones. The fissures would heal, new ones would show up. Months and months passed. I saw a general surgeon and was prescribed different creams. They seemed to help make the fissures heal a bit quicker but they never entirely left. After 3 appointments with this doctor and a bit of an improvement (I think), I decided to take a break and see if time is what my body needed. The more time passed, the more I realized I was going in circles and needed help dealing with them. I booked another appointment with the surgeon. She recommends trying Botox. I am getting it done in July. Through all this time, I was really worried of the possible cause of these fissures. I have no history of Chrohn’s in my family and have no symptoms. Because I received blood transfusions after having my baby, I had blood tests at 3 and 7 months post-partum to rule out any diseases. They were all negative. The amount of fissures I have at one time varies from 1 to 8. My surgeon isn’t worried about the multiple fissures. They are superficial, last about 2 weeks (up to 4 for some) and leave. Sometimes the slightest larger bm causes a tear while other times I have a bm that is larger then usual and nothing tears. I don’t understand why I have this happening. I have no indication of having any skin issue and have never dealt with these before. Has anyone dealt or is presently dealing with multiple fissures? It’s nice to feel not so alone in these times!

Hey I'm 25 male from australia. dealing with a similar problem to you. Started with one fissure on my left side, not in a normal position, then another on the right side. Took movicol for a while, soft poops helped them be painless, (maybe even heal?) but now, even a Slightly harder than soft bm will tear me, sometimes 2 cuts at once, usually one, they heal within 2 weeks of taking movicol, but always seem to get another one if I don't take atleast one packet of movicol a day. I'm wondering if my first fissure(was chronic), which I think was caused from a hemorrhoid I had 5 years ago,( doing a hard poop with the hemorrhoid perhaps?) has increased my anal tone and made my anus extra tight, so now I get fissures all over my anus is different places on a monthly or weekly basis. I'm booked for botox in a couple months but I will definetely see my crs in the next couple weeks to properly explain my situation, and make sure botox is suitable for multiple fissures. If it makes you feel better, I had a colonoscopy a year ago and nothing was found
Doctor even concluded all I had was a healed anal fissure, which it may of been at the time cause I was taking lots of movicol. Feel free to keep in touch if you havnt sorted your problem out. If you have, let me know how!! Lol
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