Need advice on how to stop the burning?

Need advice on how to stop the burning?

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Need advice on how to stop the burning?

Postby Kingfish » 14 Jun 2018, 09:50

Hi Everyone,

I recently re-tore my fissure that I had healed via an LIS 10 years ago. Actually I am not sure if it is the old one that re-opened or a new one. In any case I am now back to the same routine to try and heal it. I'm hoping that since I already have had an LIS I can heal it with some care this time around without surgery.

It started acting up more that a year ago but it I was not in daily pain as I am now. In fact I thought it was just a hemorrhoid and I began using some over the counter creams for it. It would get bad a few days then get better. This went on for quite a while until I felt it was time to consult my DR.

He took a look via proctoscope and said that it was a fissure and he thought it may be infected. He also banded a hemorrhoid which I don't think was a good idea. I started my antibiotic treatment as well as Nifedipine and and he told me that I needed to use a dilator to apply it deep enough in the rectum for it to work and leave it there for at least a minute during each appliction.

Things seemed to be going well with less pain for the first week or so but after that I began having extreme burning after every BM that would last all day. It hurt when I was sitting and hurt more when I would get up from a seated position. I continued with the treatment regardless and the burning seemed to be getting worse. I decided to stop all treatment and give my butt a break to see if I was somehow developing a rash because of the creams.

I began applying Coconut Oil as well as Doctor Butler's Hemorrhoid & Fissure Ointment for few days to see what would happen. The pain after the BM is still their but I feel that the burning pain is more manageable after only 3 days. Pain level is not as high nor does it last as long. Has anyone else experienced burning with creams like this?

I'd love to know what works for you guys with burning pain like me...

Any advice would be greatly appreciated!
Nifedipine over 2 months
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Re: Need advice on how to stop the burning?

Postby Vishal » 17 Jun 2018, 09:26

You should try drinking the coconut oil too. It helped a lot for me. Sitz baths too helped but may not always be practical especially if you are always on the go.
I read somewhere on this site that a CRS advised someone to not have watery stools because that may cause burning. The trick is to have a soft solid bm.
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Re: Need advice on how to stop the burning?

Postby Kingfish » 17 Jun 2018, 09:30

Vishal wrote:Hi
You should try drinking the coconut oil too. It helped a lot for me. Sitz baths too helped but may not always be practical especially if you are always on the go.
I read somewhere on this site that a CRS advised someone to not have watery stools because that may cause burning. The trick is to have a soft solid bm.

Yes keeping the stools not too hard and not too soft is in the real challenge. I take half a dose of stool softener every night as well as a probiotic. I’ve been applying coconut oil inside the rectum but it doesn’t really alleviate the burning on bad days. I haven’t tried to drinking coconut water or eating coconut oil. How much coconut oil should I eat?
Nifedipine over 2 months
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Re: Need advice on how to stop the burning?

Postby Vishal » 17 Jun 2018, 10:38

I usually use a teaspoon with every meal but I am able to tolerate more if need be. Have to be careful that you dont use too much cause it can cause diarrhoea for some but I have never had that problem.
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Re: Need advice on how to stop the burning?

Postby Kingfish » 19 Jun 2018, 07:56

I sometimes have issues with loose watery stools. I want to avoid anything that my make my stools too soft. I'm aiming to try and stay in the Goldilocks zone as much as possible as frequent BMs or BM's that are too hard or too soft are what cause my extreme burning most of the time.
Nifedipine over 2 months
Hot Sitz Bath
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Re: Need advice on how to stop the burning?

Postby Vishal » 19 Jun 2018, 08:05

Could be the miralax. Try to adjust the dosage carefully till you get the desired result. I actually dont use
a softener but use magnesium citrate supplement every now and then. It also cause burning if I use too much.
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Re: Need advice on how to stop the burning?

Postby Deleted User 7275 » 06 Jul 2018, 20:39

Any luck? Is it something you are eating? Spicy/acidic? Mine has been burning today more than usual may be vitamin-c or mag, but it has been better after baths and docs ointment (R6)
Deleted User 7275

Re: Need advice on how to stop the burning?

Postby IFuckingHurt » 07 Jul 2018, 18:10

I take a cup of stool softener + fiber supplement (Visiblin). I now go to the toilet about twice a day with no pain at all, and only 2 days ago I was in so much pain I thought I was gonna die (the pain for me also lasts around 11 hours afterwards, constant). I’m so happy, but I really wonder what will happen when I get off the stool softener. Because I can NOT go back, I think my mental health cant handle that.

Before, it still hurt even when I was taking laxetives, but that’s because I was lazy and started taking them too late (like when I felt I had a hard poo). The lax didn’t magically make this hard pop soft, so it still hurt like crazy— and so the circle continued: get constipated, take laxetives, hurt for 11 hours and die on toilet, after 11 hours wait again until constipated.

So what I did to fix this evil circle was just to die one final time. I went to the toilet and pushed so hard the blood vessels in my forehead almost exploded and the pain was unbearable, 11/10. Then right after I started the daily stool softener, and went to the toilet even when just feeling a tiny bit that I need to poo. And then, even when I was still feeling a little bit of burning from that last toilet trip, I was able to poop painlessly in a squatting position. You should’ve seen the smile on my face. Now I’ve had painless poo-a for 2 days and I’m pretty sure I’m healing.

Also, I’m using stool softener, not laxetives, which I heard don’t effect GI muscles and therefor it’s acceptable long-term (not really recommended though) and does not create dependency as regular laxetives would (those that really make you shit).

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