Time for my second LIS :)

Are you having, or have you had a Lateral Internal Sphincterotomy (LIS)? Please share your experiences here, or ask any questions.

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Postby soey » 24 Jun 2015, 00:38

HELLO again, all! :) I had LIS 6 months ago, and I feel alot better than what i did before the surgery. however, it feels like things are getting tighter back There again. I still have burning while/after pooping, and have decided to go back for a second LIS. During my first LIS, they cut 1cm UP my spinchter muscle, does anyone know what that mean compared to a 'traditional' LIS? Thinking my surgeon might have cut UP to reduce the risk of incontinence, which I've had no problems with - not even right after surgery.
Second - I'm Thinking my whole anal canal has gotten tighter after the trauma I've had for 1,5 Years now.. Every time my poop is 'normal', I get Tiny tears that heals within a week or two. Maybe dialation needs to be done too? Anyway, I'm feeling confident that a second LIS will do me good, since the first one made me better - but not painfree.

By the way: the first surgery went pretty Smooth, except the pain when i pooped the next morning.. But Nothing worse than what i had already been through..
Hoping someone can give me some answers, since surgeons dont wanna listen to their patients anymore..
Thank You ❤️
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Postby msimon » 24 Jun 2015, 23:15

Hi Soey. I was wondering how you were doing. Sorry to hear that things are still not so good. I have no idea what cutting 'up' means. My understanding of what a 'traditional' LIS is that is when they cut up to the dentate line (usually 1-1.5cm in) as opposed to a 'tailored' LIS when they cut to the top of the fissure. It sounds to me like you did not have a conservative LIS and I would be very cautious about getting more of your internal sphincter cut. Many have gotten tests done first before getting a second LIS (like anorectal manometry to determine if the internal anal sphincter is still too tight, or ultrasound to see how much has actually been cut). Do you have spasms? Some on here have had pelvic floor issues relating to ongoing pain down there after LIS and end up getting therapy for that (I am one of those, although some of my pain is from still not being healed). Just my personal thoughts anyway...has your CRS confirmed that you have another fissure?
Dec '13 Fissure from anoscope
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Postby soey » 24 Jun 2015, 23:37

Msimon, I can't believe you're still here! How's your bum doing? Infection all gone?
I know everyone should be careful taking too much of the muscle, but I feel my sphincter being 'almost' back to what it was before the surgery. Thats what happens 4-12 months after surgery. The first 2-3 months were heaven, I got alot of my life back :) well, i still do tho.. I can eat pretty much whatever I want, sit on my bum, drive my car! Hang with friends and so on:) once in a while i have a bad day, but the biggest problem is the burning after BM. I can feel it's the same fissure-pain, so pretty sure it's the same fissure re-tearing. (One has healed woho!). Anyway, being incontinence would be better than having pain every time I poop. So in about a week, hopefully, They'll remove 0,5 cm :) i dont have the terrible spasms anymore, allthough my CRS says the burning is a kind of a spasm. I'm actually excited about having surgery.. Can't believe I'm saying that.. The reason why I'm not scared of being incontinence, is cause after last surgery I had no problems with 'temporary' incontinence whatsoever.. The only thing that has changed is that i have alot less pain, but still not completly painfree.
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Postby msimon » 25 Jun 2015, 12:58

I can't believe I am still here too! I am not healed yet and this place helps the psyche...

My infection has been gone for quite some time now but that surgery left me with a big open wound that is taking forever to close. I think it is mostly there but I still have a lot of pain and dysfunction down there. I see my CRS again in 2 weeks so we'll see what he says.

I know what you mean about feeling things tighten up down there. I had my LIS back in November and really noticed a difference after 3 months as well. My CRS only cut 5-6mm, he told me, so I had a rather conservative one. Sounds like they don't want to cut too much more on you, like perhaps to the dentate line then. That should be okay I would think if you say you feel really tight and have no incontinence issues. Hope it's what you need to get back to life without pain. I still get burning down there too but it is likely my pelvic floor and/or nerves. It is not uncommon to end up with these issues after so much trauma, I guess. There's a few of us on here.

Best wishes for your surgery. Do keep us posted on how you are doing.
Dec '13 Fissure from anoscope
3 X internal sphincter botox
'08-'15 Botox for pelvic floor dysfunction
Nov '14 LIS/sentinel tag removal
Feb '15 Deroofing of recurrent infection from LIS
summer '15-healed but still ongoing muscle dysfunction/pain
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Postby soey » 06 Jul 2015, 10:46

Hope you and your sugen fins a way So you can get your life back! This really does alot of mental damage :(
I didnt have the surgery today, had a dialation instead, and it Hurts Even more than the LIS did:( hopefully the swelling Will Come down before my next bm!!
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Postby msimon » 06 Jul 2015, 11:29

Wow! Dilatation! That's rare these days. Are you on pain meds? Ibuprofen helps with swelling. Ice may be helpful too...

Hope it helps and the pain subsides soon for you. Let us know how you are doing...
Dec '13 Fissure from anoscope
3 X internal sphincter botox
'08-'15 Botox for pelvic floor dysfunction
Nov '14 LIS/sentinel tag removal
Feb '15 Deroofing of recurrent infection from LIS
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Postby Lincoln » 07 Oct 2015, 19:41

How is everyone feeling? I had my lis April 21 almost 6 months ago and just this week I think I've experienced a retear. I refilled my diltazem cream what else can I do. ?! I'm terrified and depressed that the old pain is back. Could it be a minor set back? Does anyone think it might heal on its own since I've had lis already? Please let me know thank you!
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