Need Help/ Please REspond

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Need Help/ Please REspond

Postby supersadguy » 09 Oct 2019, 14:54

I posted a few weks ago, but no one responded.

I have had a fissure now for a few months. I recently went to the CRS and she said that it looks like the fissure has partially healed. She explained it like , "over the top and not from the inside out"

I have been using the nidifpine cream and have already had LIS. She mentioned getting it "scrapped", to make new fresh tissue in hopes that it would heal correctly. She mentioned that she thinks stool is getting trapped in the partially healed fissure causing problems.

I really dont want to do the the surgery again. It is so painful and stressful. However I am tired of having discomfort all day.

Anyone have any experience with something like this?Thank you...
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Re: Need Help/ Please REspond

Postby Savaici » 09 Oct 2019, 15:14

Sorry you did not get a response to your previous post.

I had a fissure and was in agony for going on two years. Did not have surgery. I used anal dilation, which eventually worked for me.

Search out my name and dilation.

Apart from that, if your CRS suggested a repeat surgery, I would try this if this is what you want. Try searching for repeat lis.

Not many on here these days which is probably why you did not get a response. Also, do search on the group, using all different words relating to your situation and see what comes up.

Hope things turn round for you soon. :smilyhug:
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Re: Need Help/ Please REspond

Postby supersadguy » 09 Oct 2019, 15:54

Thanks for responding. I don't want the procedure. I just want it to go away. Right now I take miralax, use nifidipine cream, mineral oil and sitz baths. SO far no luck. ANy other home suggestion, I m not thinking of.

this is from my Doc
" Your did have an active fissure on exam and I think you are getting stool trapping which is what revealed the little bit of pus on exam. I think
this is the reason for the pain. But exam can also cause discomfort that day."

I had LIS in 2015 so this is so frustrating!!!! I wish there was a way to prevent the stool from getting trapped.

everyday is a battle....
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Re: Need Help/ Please REspond

Postby SueMac » 15 Oct 2019, 13:23

I'm sorry to hear you had no response. There are less active members right now on the forum. So difficult to advise you. I would feel the same about the scraping. Perhaps it you have it more time. It sounded like you are doing the right things. Also I'd make sure you are in the best health you can be good diet, not too much alcohol, exercise and relaxation to give you the best healing chance.
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Re: Need Help/ Please REspond

Postby hurtinend » 16 Oct 2019, 15:21

I agree. Despite your suffering, give it more time. It seems like you had LIS surgery very soon following diagnosis.

I’m sorry, there are many who suffer and medicine cannot fix all of us.

Focus on clean diet. I find 2 apples and 2 oranges a day with water allows for easy to pass elimination.

I am starting a supplement recommended by pain clinic...Magnesium Malate. Promotes muscle relaxation which can help healing.

I’m also considering the dilation
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Re: Need Help/ Please REspond

Postby starfishgirl » 23 Oct 2019, 19:22

I had LIS in March 2018. After years of issues with fissures, the surgery seemed to fix my issues. Fast forward a year and a half later, to now, and I have a brand new fissure. I've been dealing with hemorrhoids for weeks, which is how the last fissures started, and it's now become fissures. I really never thought I'd be back here again. I'm SO disappointed. I don't see my dr. until Nov. 11, nearly 3 weeks away, so I'm hoping I can deal with the pain until then. I am in disbelief. I hope your issues are resolved. For me, I will do surgery again just to get relief. I will blow all of my sick time, but oh well - I can't live with fissures!
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Re: Need Help/ Please REspond

Postby SueMac » 24 Oct 2019, 11:08

Starfish I’m sorry to hear of your new fissure. It’s hard to feel poetic but you’ve got over this before and you will again. I’d ring your surgery to see if you can get a cancellation or something to be seen earlier. Meanwhile try all the self help like warm baths,good diet etc, I’m sure you already are doing this.
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Re: Need Help/ Please REspond

Postby supersadguy » 25 Oct 2019, 19:22

Hope you feel better mate. This def sucks and I agree I don’t want to deal with this again. But I will probably get it scrapped cause it’s not healing correctly.
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Re: Need Help/ Please REspond

Postby Allthepain2 » 20 Nov 2019, 23:28

Maybe you have a lot of scar tissue within your fissure which is preventing it from truly healing even with the LIS. I know my fissure has a LOT of scar tissue so I'm getting some of the scar tissue removed and then botox in hopes that it will promote true healing. I'd also get a second opinion from another doctor too if I were you.
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Re: Need Help/ Please REspond

Postby SueMac » 24 Nov 2019, 11:39

How are things now starfish?
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