Need some dietary advice for my fissure healing

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Need some dietary advice for my fissure healing

Postby staypositive » 09 Feb 2022, 19:54

Hi I'm new here, 42 female living in west coast Canada. I stumbled upon this site during one of the sleepless pain enduring night. This site has helped me so much in so many ways, I really appreciate all of you sharing your experiences and support.

My background - My symptons started 10 years ago after my 2nd child's birth, but has been mistreating it as a hemorrhoid. Everytime after BM, there will be a lump that needs to be pushed back. (we now suspect it is a papillae) 5 weeks ago, the pain flared up again but much much worse this time. I went to my GP/ER, finally got referred to a colon surgeon. I have since been diagnosed with fissure, and has been living with this pain for 5 weeks now. I'm on Nifedipine (2.5%) twice daily and antibiotics but not making much progress. Spasm has since gotten better, but the burning/throbbing continues.

My GP did a scope examination on me today, and said I have a big cut quite deep inside. He recommended Botox, so the procedure is now scheduled for next week. (I'm scared and hopeful at the same time)

My question is now on my diet - I'm trying to have the softest stool and with the longest gap between each BM. What will be the best way to achieve this?

I've cut out all caffeine, alcohol, processed food, red meat from my diet. My stool has been a mixture of somehow hard at first and smoother towards the end. Every time after a BM, I'm back to this excrucisting burning.

Should I introduce a liquid diet - juice & blended soup? Has anyone tried this or even to the extent of a fasting? I'm scared switching to liquid diet will cause constipation or diarrhea hence worsen the sympton. But I feel my bum needs as much time in between BM to rest and heal.

Any feedback is much much appreciated!
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Re: Need some dietary advice for my fissure healing

Postby dmcff » 10 Feb 2022, 04:20

Hi, and welcome to the forum.

Maybe Tim Spector's gut health tips could help? I've found them quite useful in dealing with my pelvic floor issues, even though they are not directly related to fissures.
2014 Anal fissure
2015 CAT, EUA, sigmoidoscopy, 2 MRI
2016 Pain severe then moderate to low
2017 Moderate pain
2018 Physical therapy, pain management
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Re: Need some dietary advice for my fissure healing

Postby Okaybum » 10 Feb 2022, 09:13

Nah, liquid diets don't train you to poop.

Take stool softeners
Take magnesium
Increase fibre or try benefibre
Drink your morning coffee
Avoid nuts, hard crunchy foods like chips, or nachos or popcorn
Use wipes
Use neosporin if it's a little on the outside.
Drink warm prune juice in the evening

Botox healed me but it wasn't a fast process. It took 4 months and then another several months for the uncomfortableness when sitting for long periods to go away.

I remain on stool softeners because I have a constipation problem and I don't want this to happen again.

Best of luck to you. Chin up. There's hope
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Re: Need some dietary advice for my fissure healing

Postby staypositive » 10 Feb 2022, 12:54

Thank you Okaybum and dmcff for the advice. It is easy to lose hope when dealing with this illness..

I'm currently taking stool softner (miralax) and regular magnesium tablets. Miralax is helping a lot to make stool soft and BM not as painful. Good to know liquid diet is not the right path I wanna be on.

Any advice on what to prep before and after my botox treatment? I'm a little nervous about it.
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