Hello everyone,
I have been lurking on these forums for quite a long time (like 9 months long time) and finally decided it was time I said hi.
A little bit about me: Lifetime of IBS, first hemmie appeared after the birth of my 2nd child but went away relatively quickly. It reared it's ugly head from time to time but nothing generally a bit of Scheriproct didn't fix in a few days with some rest.
November of last year I had some digestive complications due to a procedure and got very stuffed up followed by 8 weeks of intense diarrhea (sorry TMI overload right there-what a way to introduce myself!) In between the 2 I thought my hemmie had flared up. No amount of Scheriproct would fix the problem so a visit to the local doctors office and I was informed I in fact had a thrombosed perianal haematoma. I was given a local that made me cry and want to die on the spot and it was lanced. 48 excruciating hours later I was finally in a tiny bit less pain and it healed up over the following 8 weeks or so. I have been absolutely terrified (understatement of the century) of getting one ever since.
About a month later I noticed I had this burning kind of pain going on back there. Sort of towards the tailbone but inside, a few centimetres upwards, not on the outside. I put up with it for a month or two and finally went back to my GP who told me I had small external fissure and told me to put antiseptic cream on it. I did this for 2 more months before complaining about the pain to another GP (the first one was actually a fill in as mine was away at the time). This pain was bothersome and most BM's felt as though they burned a little followed by this dull achy pain the remainder of the day. It was constant. Another GP (mine was away again) thought maybe I had internal hemmies or more likely a fissure. I was prescribed some hemmorhoidal suppositories which only made things more burning and gave me tummy pains and a bit o diarrhea so weren't really helping.
I put it off for another few months before mentioning it to my GP yet again. I was given a referral to a CRS who I am due to see in a week. THEN much to my horror, I spent a little long in the bathroom 14 days ago and noticed things back there felt a bit strained. I immediately started my scheriproct routine, however by day 9 it was not helping and I was in agony. A trip to my GP and I was diagnosed once again with a perianal haematoma (not thrombosed). 24 hours later it was and he attempted to incise it, however things didn't drain as he expected and he said that he thought it might actually be a thrombosed external hemmorhoid (I *think* it's a haematoma though, it's behaving just like my last one). Things felt better for 24 hours before getting bad again yesterday.
I had not much sleep last night and today there's an itch that makes me want to claw my eyes out as well as a sharp stabby kind of pain that starts in the tip of the things and goes up into my lower rectum. In between it burns and aches and sometimes throbs a little.
So things were obviously bad before but now I've had 14 days straight of not being able to think about anything but my bum. It's consuming my every thought. I cannot sleep, I cannot sit, I cannot walk, I cannot stand up. The only thing even remotely helping is to sit on a hot water bottle, a REALLY hot one.
I have 3 kids and am unable to get anything at all done. My poor husband is sick of listening to my moaning about how desperate I am and this appointment with the CRS can't come quick enough. But at the same time I'm petrified because I have to take an enema that morning (that's going to work well with this thing I have stuck to me) and I'm terrified he's going to want to do some kind of banding or worse, cut me open.
If you've made it this far, thanks for listening, I will try not to complain too much from here on in!
Too long didn't read: I have a sore bottom and it's miserable.