"Anal self-massage in the treatment of acute anal fissure: a randomized prospective study."
I did a search but didn't see a post about this paper yet.
I've been self dilating for 3 1/2 years, with good results. However, I dislike using dilators for a few reasons: they take time and are finicky to use, they always feel a bit dangerous, especially at the larger (27-30mm) diameters, and they're hard to travel with.
I've used my finger before, but it didn't occur to me that using a circular motion could possibly give better results than static dilators. If so, this would solve most of my complaints above, and I could still use dilators occasionally. The experiment was strictly with acute fissures, but I don't see why it wouldn't apply to chronic ones as well.
Thought this might be useful to others. Anecdotally, has anyone done this longer term (1+ years) and found it gave good results? I've started a few days ago, in addition to regular dilation.