New here - anyone tried making own wheatgrass cream

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New here - anyone tried making own wheatgrass cream

Postby oucha-fissure » 23 Mar 2012, 14:55

I have suffered constantly for a few years. I have so many creams from my doctor, too many to mention. I have been refferred to skin clinic at hospital too and still no clearer to living a life free from this horrible condition.
Looking at the possibility of using wheatgrass. Anyone tried it? I hae seen you can make it using wheatgrass and honey - does anyone have stories regarding this?
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Re: New here - anyone tried making own wheatgrass cream

Postby workingonit » 23 Mar 2012, 23:06

I was using the dr. wheatgrass and it is ok. Not great. Can't say as it is a cure. It helps moisturize the area, and probably helps keep it clean.
I bought an aloe vera plant the other day and have been getting more benefit from it though. The aloe straight from the leaf seems to be a more effective pain killer than the aloe vera gels you buy at the store.
I have manuka honey, and it does seems to help too. But again, not a cure.
But you know these things seem to be different for each person.
I (IMO) think it does help to use something as a barrier/protectant and possibly help keep clean. But the less unnatural ingredients (like what's in the stuff the docs give you), the better.
Dr. wheatgrass has all kinds of crap in it. If you make a wheatgrass from scratch, it would be healthier, but you would need to worry about shelf life.
Anyways, it sounds like too much work. Why not try coconut oil and lanolin? Or aloe and manuka honey?
I often wonder if I didn't do some damage to the skin there from all the hydricortisone I used. Perhaps my skin needs to recover from that before it can truly heal?
Anyways, check out some of the interesting paths to healing in this forum.
To better search, use the 'portal' section (see above next to 'home'). On the lower left side of that page is a search engine that works best if you use the google and posts options. Then you can search within posts and not just by topic headers.
Good luck with the wheatgrass cream!
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Re: New here - anyone tried making own wheatgrass cream

Postby tiredofpain » 30 Mar 2012, 11:02

I was talking to my sister today and here is something she had tried for her external piles. She got this information from a naturaupathic doctor. This is a tidous process, but she did cure her problem and still uses it for its health benefit. I have not tried this and do not know if it will work for fissure..
She used 7 small pots(big coffee mugs may also work), filled it with organic soil. Then got organic whole wheat grain and soaked them in water for a day. Planted it in first port and did the same thing everyday for 7 days. Once these plants sprout and reach say 3-5 inches in height. She cut them out, washed them and ground them to a paste, extracted the juice and drank it 20 minutes before a meal(do not store use right away). She also took the paste and directly applied it to the area and left it there for 5-10 minutes and washed it away.
So now you have one empty pot :, so she planted the new seeds in empty one and continued this process for a month or so ! She still does this and drinks the juice etc..
Use this at your own risk though. Make sure you are not allergic to the wheat grass first. My sister seems to belive in this completely.
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