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Postby Njdesi » 27 Jan 2016, 22:22

Hello all

39 years old male here.
Since late October of 2015 i have had lots of pain during and after BM. Blood in stool started appearing in early November. I finally went to see a GI in early December who immediately diagnosed me with fissure at visual inspection. He saw the skin tag...i too could feel the tag. I was told to take calmol 4 and hydrocortisone cream. I stareted on that regimen. For a month i did that...the pain is less and bleeding has stopped mostly but going to bathroom still hurts. My GI scheduled me for colonoscapy on feb 20th...i am also going to see a colorectal surgeon tomorrow. I m scared as hell...i m hoping it really is nothing more serious than a fissure that requires some intervention. :(
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Re: New here

Postby Canadabum » 28 Jan 2016, 07:04

Welcome to the forum...sorry you had to find us!!

Good luck today at your appointment.

You may want to ask about getting a prescription for one of the fissure ointments....and discuss a stool softener like Miralax with your dr. Many have found that keeping the stool soft is helpful in both a healing process but also a general help in reducing some of the pain.

All best - canadabum
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Re: New here

Postby Njdesi » 30 Jan 2016, 00:12

Thank you.

Appointment went well. CRS has awesome bedside manners. He inspected me with a scope. He saw two is closer to back than the other. He prescribed nifedipine...i started using it right away. He recommended high fiber diet and avoid stool softeners.

Followup in two weeks
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Re: New here

Postby Savaici » 30 Jan 2016, 07:31

Well, hope he also recommended that you drink lots of water with the high fibre diet.

Miralax is an osmotic laxative (I don't use it, by the way) that works by drawing water into the colon to soften stool. It is recommended for short term use in those with AFs. Also, blood in the stool is not usually dangerous, unless you are bleeding constantly and become anemic. It is occult blood they look for, and that cannot be seen by the human eye but can be seen by a doctor with a simple test, readily available on the Internet.

Hopefully he led you away from hydrocortisone, which basically does nothing for a fissure. Hope the Nifedipine helps (As you might know, it works by increasing blood flow to the area, and using a Sitz Bath can also help with this.).

Good luck with your healing!
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Re: New here

Postby Njdesi » 30 Jan 2016, 14:23

He did mention about increased water intake. His argument against stool softeners was that they make stool claylike which irritates the sphincter like heck.

Day 2 on major improvement. I only notice that my high fiber diet mainly from indian legume (moong) is helping.

Yes..he led me away from hydrocortisone
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