triam wrote:I'm recovering from a stomach flu that started Friday.
I had all weekend diarrhea and I think because I was wiping many times I "scratched" my anus.
Now the diarrhea almost passed but the problem is that my anus is incredibly itchy and super painful.
Just before I was on the toilet and I was literally jumping from pain every time I was trying to push, same thing for when I try to wipe. Now I only just do a quick shower to clean but it's still painfull.
Other than pain killers, what can I use to decrease the pain/itching?
Is this actually anal fissure or something else?
Hi Triam I have found that the skin there is very sensitive now and if I have had diarrhoea and been wiping more that it gets very sore and irritated. I don't know if it's because the skin becomes very delicate from the steroid creams or if it's due to the fissure and haemorrhoids?
I have a spray that I was prescribed called perinal which is for itching and irritation and has a local anaesthetic in it to that does help but can cause stinging at first. I also have instilligel which is just really a sterile local anaesthetic gel that can be used internally or externally. Although I have to say that Sudocrem works just as well for me and I find it quite soothing and cooling and it also doesn't cause stinging. A few hours after using it i find the irritation and itching has almost gone!
I hope you find something that works!