Hi everyone,
I have to say, this forum even as a lurker has been a godsend. I feel so alone and scared - I suffer from major depressive disorder and this issue has made life increasingly dark and daunting for me.
So, as for my story -
I’ve had blood in the bowl off and on for the last 4 years. UsuallY very sporadic, and no pain. I thought, probably hemorrhoids and wrote it off as self-healing. I’ve also pretty much always had bad habits on the toilet - eating low fiber and alternating between constipation/straining and going TOO much (I’m usually a 2-4x time of person)
Then this last year the pain started with the blood. But again, it was sporadic enough that I tried to treat at home w Tucks and preparation H. It wasn’t until I was SCREAMING in agony on night after BM for hours after that I went to urgent care and she did w (VERY PAINFUL) anoscopy and diagnosed me w external hemorrhoids and an anal tear that she said looked like it had been around for awhile. She gave me hydrocortisone pramoxine and said to find a GI specialist.
I immediately began to take care on the toilet and up my water intake to 2L a day, and over a week, healed enough for BMs not to hurt anymore. Then I went to the GI doc - who wasn’t very nice - and got an anoscopy (which didn’t hurt as much this time!) and he basically said the external hemorrhoids were small and normal and what we needed to heal was the fissure. He said it didn’t need surgery yet but he did prescribe me nitroglycerin and said I needed to make sure not to retear it.
Well. Cue a day later when a bigger BM (not even hard - just big!) retore me. At least I think it did, as the pain was intense and I saw blood both streaked on my stool and some on my toilet paper after a week and a half of no blood.
It’s now been three days of the nitroglycerin and while it certainly helps the pain and I haven’t seen blood in the last few days, I’m not sure I’ll EVER get the magic right enough to ensure not retearing and setting back in progress. I keep a food and poo diary and I can’t seem to find patterns yet to lead to and keep the perfect poo consistency - some days it’s great and other days doing mostly the same thing it’s too frequent, or too large. I just don’t know.
I’ve been off of work on PTO during this whole debacle and have to go back (remotely) on Monday and I’m just scared and tired already.
I guess I need encouragement - that it’s okay to be feeling this out blindly and that even if you set your progress back you can reheal.
I’m trying to find a new GI specialist as I think more info on my fissure (aka where, how many, how deep) will be helpful (altho I dread another anoscopy)
Thanks everyone for listening!