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New to the forum, new to fissures

Postby Tooyoungforthis » 20 Oct 2013, 12:44

Hey all, thought I'd start off by giving you some stats on myself. I'm a 24 year old female living in Texas. Healthy most of the time but have always had G.I. issues. About a month ago I developed hemorrhoids and then the dreaded fissure. So instead of putting it off (and at the insistence of some co workers) I scheduled an appointment with a CRS. It was so awkward at first but my surgeon is fantastic and really made me feel so comfortable and took the time to actually TALK to me. We started off with Nifedipine / lidocaine cream and fiber. One of my major mistakes was continuing to use Witch hazel wipes (tucks, ect) to wipe with after a BM. Apparently, it dried up all of my natural oils and led to another, much worse fissure. So I went back in tears and got some Valium and another appointment for a weeks time. I'm sure all of you that have dealt with fissures know that a BM is probably the scariest thing ever. Basically for me, it felt like I was passing razor blades. Using the bathroom at work was HELL. It got to the point where I had my parents take me home and popped oxycodone to sleep through the pain. Miralax, nifedipine/lidocaine cream and calmoseptine have been my saving grace along with sitz baths on the reg and a heating pad from CVS. I just had my third appointment with my CRS and we've decided to go ahead and do the surgery. For me, the muscle spasms are what cause me the most pain and this seems like a problem that will be fixed best with surgery instead of trying all of the other conservative methods. I cannot keep living like this. Being drugged up all the time sucks and I want to get back to my energetic self. I want to get back to the gym and I don't want to keep avoiding friends and potential relationships because of the embarrassing situation I'm in. With all that being said, I am nervous for my surgery.

I also have an embarrassing question that I can't seem to find on the forum. After my LIS surgery and being all healed, will this affect my sex life? I'm talking normal intercourse. I'm sure any women knows that during sex, there is pressure down there, especially during climax. Will my LIS cause me to worry about letting anything go? This is so personal, I know, but hell, what better place to ask than a forum or faceless strangers, some of which who who hopefully have the answers you're looking for?

Anyways, good luck to everyone else dealing with this issue. It sucks and you all have my sympathy.
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Re: New to the forum, new to fissures

Postby Ever the Optimist » 21 Oct 2013, 15:57

Hey Tooyoung,
Sorry to read your post but yes, you're definitely in good hands here and someone will always be here to try to help you.
You were lucky to be offered surgery like that! There are so many here young ladies on this site begging for surgery but being refused it for various reasons.....Hopefully, this is what you need to sort your issues out and get you back on track again. I wish you all the best with this. If you take a peek at the post below, you can see a discussion regarding your very worries.....It seems to be that the general consensus is that having sex post-op is no worse than having sex with a painful fissure! So, in my opinion, I'd just give it a couple of weeks to a month as most seem to, and wait until the main discomfort & soreness disappears & then just start off gently again.....
I suspect everything will be absolutely fine! - Just experiment with different positions to begin with, maybe ones where you keep the pressure of your bottom and see how it goes! All the very best to you :)
Chronic Fissure diagnosed December 2011
Healed by Diltiazem around Feb 2013
Anal Fistula followed burst abscess in June 2012
2 internal troublesome piles remain & suspected, but undiagnosed, ongoing Levator Ani type symptoms & flare-ups
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Re: New to the forum, new to fissures

Postby Tooyoungforthis » 25 Oct 2013, 23:15

Thank you for the kind response! Had my LIS surgery yesterday and it really went off without a hitch. Now comes the sad part. I woke up this afternoon with a 102.5 degree F fever and knew something wasn't right when my pain meds weren't working. So back to my specialist we went and it appeared that my swelling was pulling painfully on my sutures and a small abscess was forming. Having the sutures removed under local anesthetic is not something I'd ever like to do again. Very, very painful but lucky for me I had my mom and dad there to hold my hand while I gritted my teeth through it. With the sutures removed and the little bit of pus drained, I finally began to feel better. But once the local wore off the pain of an irritated open would came on full force. But, the good new is now my pain meds are working and my fever is breaking. So perhaps there is a light at the end of the tunnel after all. My specialist also said I would have no problem with incontinence after a quick check after all the painful stuff, which makes me feel much better for my sex life. The only problem I'm having now is that I have the hardest time urinating while on the Vicodin. Hope that gets easier!
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