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Postby gavinhep » 13 Jun 2014, 05:59

I got an AF at the start of May due to constipation, was doing the JuicePlus diet which severely lacks fibre and I blame this. The pain initially was intense for a week, no sleep and I eventually took myself to see the Doc, he could hardly peek up there as it was so tight and sore but he said it was an AF. He prescribed GTN and Fybrogel which I have been taking since. The pain has lowered but it is still constantly in my thoughts as it is not comfortable. I generally have a BM in the morning and this starts the onset of pain throughout the day, I work 9-5 so have to sit and bear it, usually I get home and take a bath which helps ease it a bit. I try and exercise and go to the gym when the pain is not too bad. I have just ordered some Manuka Honey and Coconut oil after reading it helped some on here, I am also thinking of sudocrem as well (any thoughts ???). I am due to go on holiday shortly to the States and I know this is going to be a pain in the ass (literally) as I wont be able to enjoy fully. If anyone has any other suggestions that could help it would be appreciated. I would like to be in less pain when walking around Disney world !!

Many thanks
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Re: Newbie

Postby Flaneur » 13 Jun 2014, 06:27

Whe are you located Gavinhep? I'm in Australia and ordered the Dr Wheatgrass cream. It arrived within 48 hours. Not sure i can credit it for helping, buti think others here have had success too.
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Re: Newbie

Postby gavinhep » 13 Jun 2014, 15:05

Hi, I am based in the UK, has weatgrass worked for anyone else? Be interesting to hear.
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Re: Newbie

Postby Ever the Optimist » 13 Jun 2014, 15:32

Hi Gavin,
In my opinion, Wheatgrass, Coconut Oil, Manuka Honey, PrepH etc. all offer the same soothing and relieving properties but obviously the effects they have simply depends on each individual. None of them are "miracle" cures for a fissure but they are extremely helpful at times. Coconut Oil is my firm favourite but it makes others itch!
I would also say have a great holiday! It's hard to believe but once you are actually there and away, you end up having a surprisingly wonderful time, despite that nagging backside! Of course, you do have to pack your painkillers, bottom care essentials and consider your routine and whilst there manage your diet and fluids in the best way possible, but being away somewhere new and fun is such a great distraction, you focus less on the whole affair and actually surprise yourself at what a great time you're having! Hopefully, this will be the case for you...At times like these and it was difficult to pack a jar of Coconut Oil (!) I'd buy a tub of Anusol HC as the relief always seems to be more powerful (I just don't make a habit of using this one because of the hydrocortisone in it, which can thin the skin)...
Have a great trip!
Chronic Fissure diagnosed December 2011
Healed by Diltiazem around Feb 2013
Anal Fistula followed burst abscess in June 2012
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Re: Newbie

Postby gavinhep » 13 Jun 2014, 15:44

Hi eto, thanks for your kind words, I have coconut oil to pick up tomorrow from the post office, so will give that a go. I am not really taking painkillers, it is more the uncomfortableness of everything you do and the soreness after a BM which lasts for varying times. I am going back to the docs next week to see if any improvement and to hopefully get some more gtn so i dont run out on holiday. Am not sure if the Florida heat will be a help or hindrance. I would just like to know if things are actually improving, then at least you get some hope !

Thanks again
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Re: Newbie

Postby owmybum » 13 Jun 2014, 16:01

Hi gavinhelp,
I went to Florida on holiday with an active fissure.
It actually went alot better than I thought. I made sure I took my stool softener, some sudocream and some anusol with me and just used these sparcely.
Remember to drink plenty whilst your going around the parks... It's easy to forget to keep your fluids up. I also carried a small cushion with me in a rucksack around the parks. All the seats for rides, shows etc are rock hard... It really helped to sit on this.
There are plenty of places to eat well in Florida. I found a place called sweet tomatoes at the top end of international drive that had lovely healthy food.

Have a great time!!

fissure after hem banding and tag removal feb 11
Pelvic floor therapy
Botox June 13
Internal flap July 14
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Re: Newbie

Postby Fissurefrustration » 17 Jun 2014, 05:51

Your doing all the right things!

Stick with it and have lots of fluids. I found 99.99% aloe vera cream helped too! Manuka honey i found to be a godsend.

Thoughts are with you and fingers crossed for safe pain free travels!
Suffering since June 2013

Methods tried:
GTN cream - migraines!
Manuka Honey / Coconut oil / Aloe
tag excision X 2, botox x 3
dilatation 2 X daily + Retin-C Vitamin Scar Treatment Oil 2 X daily - best thing ever.
Now pain free 2/7/21
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Re: Newbie

Postby gavinhep » 17 Jun 2014, 16:45

Cheers All, manuka honey came last Friday and I think it's making a difference, less pain and discomfort after BM, although still uncomfortable. Will keep using to see how it goes.
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Re: Newbie

Postby mmklinemm » 17 Jun 2014, 19:25

I'm glad you're feeling a little better. I hope things keep getting better and you get to enjoy your trip to Disney!

Keep us posted on how the honey is working. I'm new to this and trying to learn what is working for others. I've been using coconut oil for a few days. I just started using nifedepine ointment last night. After 2 applications it seems like my pain was less today and passed more quickly. Keeping my fingers crossed...
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Re: Newbie

Postby mrs dandy » 23 Jun 2014, 16:23

hi, im new here. was looking to talk to someone about neurostimulators. i had 2 put in nearly a year ago. should have been for a checkup at the end of january, with my surgeon. but the appt never came. so i have been fighting for an appt ever since. im having real problems with my implants and dont know who to turn to.
if anyone has one, id love to hear from them.
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