Newly Diagnosed and Miserable

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Re: Newly Diagnosed and Miserable

Postby beautimusprime » 30 Jul 2013, 17:47

SweetPea & Sunshine
You guys are awesome! It's sad that such a horrible ailment can happen to such good people Image But I'm hoping for healing for all you guys. Yeah the diet is still very hard but this has been a huge motivator for me, either eat whatever I want, whenever I want and be in excruciating pain or eat healthy and hope for some healing so it was an easy decision for me as I have never everrrrrrrr felt pain like this in my life
Yeah, it's so funny, I used to get along with everyone at my job but as of lately, it seems like everyone is talking behind my back or dropping sarcastic comments when I am able to come in, it hurt at first but now I could give a crap less! I can only control what I can control and hope that things start looking up soon Image 
On another note, does anyone have any ideas for going to sleep and staying asleep with the pain? I have tried everything and nothing really helps me, I don't think I've slept more then 3 hours a night over the past week and it's soooo exhausting Image 
Again, you guys are amazing Image Image
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Re: Newly Diagnosed and Miserable

Postby Please go-away! » 30 Jul 2013, 18:47

Hi everyone..Hay beautimusprime, Have you tried a heating pad, the one I have has several temperatures and turn's off in two hours, I call it the Cadillac of heating pad', a liitle more money but worth it.
Plus I sit in a lavender (i put dried lavender bud's, From health store, make my own big tea bag) and Epsom soothing and then I rinse off. or how about a calming sleepy time tea, I know it's difficult, but you need sleep to heal as well.
Ok hun..Please try..Image
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