Newly Diagnosed

Advice welcomed side effects of rectogesic

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Newly Diagnosed

Postby sally64 » 26 Apr 2018, 11:10

I will try and keep brief but a long story! I have been using Rectogesic for about 3 weeks and struggling with the side effects, i feel light headed after applying cream and by 4pm every day i could just go to sleep, i do get headaches but not severe so manageable with paracetamol, i think cream is working as although i ache down there sometimes mainly after being on my feet a lot (but could be my chronic haemorrhoids) the bleeding has stopped so i am thinking of persevering with the cream. I wondered how long normally before the cream works fully and if the side effects reduce after time? The consultant wants to put me under to look properly (he can't see due to amount of haemorrhoids!) but feels that with my symptoms the pain and bleeding is due to an anal fissure, he has suggested trying the cream for a while and considering botox if it doesn't work. PS i have had THD surgery 3 years ago and i was in agony for weeks after and it didn't work so it has put me off surgery again!

I have also bought a sitz bath and put coconut oil in it mixed with warm water but nervous to use the oil neat.

Any advice welcomed.
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Re: Newly Diagnosed

Postby patience_and_healing » 28 Apr 2018, 00:36

Can you get a different ointment prescribed like nifedipine? It's not known to cause headaches. I think doctors usually prescribe it for 6-8 weeks at a time. Coconut oil on the skin is very gentle so don't worry about using it directly.
8/16-12/16: Fissure due to antibiotics
5/17: Botox to sphincter, fissure healed
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