NHS - 0.5% Incontinence statistics after LIS surgery

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Re: NHS - 0.5% Incontinence statistics after LIS surgery

Postby FissureFighter80 » 18 Apr 2016, 10:01

Its been 2 weeks since I have had my LIS. Compared to the pain I was in I am quite happy with the minor soiling of the underwear and some times loud farts that I have now. I dont care if its permanent, I couldnt have taken that pain any more for 1 minute.

Good luck to all :)
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Re: NHS - 0.5% Incontinence statistics after LIS surgery

Postby caf1988 » 18 Apr 2016, 19:03

FissureFighter80 wrote:Its been 2 weeks since I have had my LIS. Compared to the pain I was in I am quite happy with the minor soiling of the underwear and some times loud farts that I have now. I dont care if its permanent, I couldnt have taken that pain any more for 1 minute.

Good luck to all :)

How are you feeling 2 weeks out? How was the recovery? I'm getting it Wednesday. Scared.
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Re: NHS - 0.5% Incontinence statistics after LIS surgery

Postby FissureFighter80 » 19 Apr 2016, 11:54

Recovery has been pretty good. I am in discomfort because of surgical wound some times. But this is absolutely minor compared to the hell I was in because of the Fissure.
Walking is a bit of a challenge so far. I feel like the shaved bum + discharge from the bum makes things quite itchy and uncomfortable very quickly. For this I wash or use wet wipes.
But I dont really care as I was in immense amount of pain before I went for the surgery.

So in short you will have some discomfort but believe me you will be heaven after the fissure pain is gone so dont be scared and just do it :)
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Re: NHS - 0.5% Incontinence statistics after LIS surgery

Postby adeelraj » 25 Apr 2016, 06:16

i am on 4 month post surgery
fissure is healed but lis incision is not healing well

i have to wipe one to two times more after every bm cause of minor fecal leakage
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Re: NHS - 0.5% Incontinence statistics after LIS surgery

Postby Davo » 25 Apr 2016, 15:37


Following surgery it is commonplace for the incision wound to weep during the healing process. This looks like a brown liquid and can sometimes be confused with minor fecal leakage (this happened to me).

Also have you been taking any antibiotics lately? Sometimes they can remove the healthy bacteria in the gut which can create a little leakage requiring a further few wipes post bowel movements. If this is the case try taking a yakult each day for a few weeks and see if that helps.

Incontinence is very rare post LIS

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Re: NHS - 0.5% Incontinence statistics after LIS surgery

Postby caf1988 » 25 Apr 2016, 21:21

Is having to use the toilet urgently the same as intontinence? It's been 5 days after and it seems that if I don't rush to the bathroom right away it starts coming out, but this is only if I've taken the Colace prescribed. I have since switched back to miralax and no issues.
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Re: NHS - 0.5% Incontinence statistics after LIS surgery

Postby Davo » 27 Apr 2016, 13:30

I wouldn't say an urgent need to use the bathroom is the same as incontinence. If you're only 5 days post surgery then i wouldn't be too concerned at this stage - remember the sphincter muscle has just been cut and is at its very weakest. It takes about a year for the muscle to re-gain about 85% of its original strength but it should be in good shape in a few weeks time.
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Re: NHS - 0.5% Incontinence statistics after LIS surgery

Postby caf1988 » 27 Apr 2016, 15:57

Thanks so much! I feel pretty okay a week out but I worry all the time still. I will post about the procedure/ recovery soon.
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Re: NHS - 0.5% Incontinence statistics after LIS surgery

Postby Davo » 28 Apr 2016, 00:02

When I had LIS there was always something every other day that i would get concerned about!

Post surgery we still take things like Miralax and eat foods which prevent us from being constipated. Combine this with a very weak sphincter and it's only natural that the urge to go can be sudden and quite urgent.
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Re: NHS - 0.5% Incontinence statistics after LIS surgery

Postby caf1988 » 28 Apr 2016, 00:59

Exactly. I feel like I don't really need the laxatives anymore. I think the fissure itself was contributing to constipation.
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