NHS - 0.5% Incontinence statistics after LIS surgery

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Re: NHS - 0.5% Incontinence statistics after LIS surgery

Postby caf1988 » 03 May 2016, 20:51

Also did anyone else's surgeon say this deactivation / widening of the internal sphincter was permanent? It's still somewhat active correct? Did he just mean that it's forever a bit weaker? I still have an internal sphincter if I had the standard procedure, correct? My surgeon words things oddly.
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Re: NHS - 0.5% Incontinence statistics after LIS surgery

Postby caf1988 » 03 May 2016, 20:59

FissureFighter80 wrote:Recovery has been pretty good. I am in discomfort because of surgical wound some times. But this is absolutely minor compared to the hell I was in because of the Fissure.
Walking is a bit of a challenge so far. I feel like the shaved bum + discharge from the bum makes things quite itchy and uncomfortable very quickly. For this I wash or use wet wipes.
But I dont really care as I was in immense amount of pain before I went for the surgery.

So in short you will have some discomfort but believe me you will be heaven after the fissure pain is gone so dont be scared and just do it :)

Thanks for this encouragement. 2 weeks out and I am feeling so much better! Dr says looks good but I was having itching as well and he noticed some minor fungus like a yeast infection there from not drying after constant sitz baths. So I bought monistat and applied it a couple times and it feels almost gone. I'd recommend you use some just on the outside if you're still itching.
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Re: NHS - 0.5% Incontinence statistics after LIS surgery

Postby Sarah55 » 17 Dec 2017, 18:07

Hi all,

I had LIS in august 2017. When I got out of the operation (I hadn't even been discharged from the hospital yet) I had an accident. This was the only time since that I've been incontinent. I have noticed that I can't hold in farts like I used to :@ but that hasn't caused me any major embarrassment yet (I usually just make another noise at the same time, like a cough). On the plus side, my partner now can't get mad at me for farting, because I literally can't help it :')

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