Nitroglycerin effects

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Nitroglycerin effects

Postby Upallnight » 21 Nov 2017, 14:32

Hi all. I'm new here, and have been suffering with a fissure for about eight months now. I am currently using nitroglycerin ointment, (for two weeks) but instead of reducing the spasms, I feel like it is making them worse. I called my doctors office and they said they've never heard of that happening. I have tried to find any information or research online about this possibility, but can find nothing. It seems strange but I really do feel like it is exacerbating the spasms. Anyone else had this experience? I'm hoping I'm not crazy. At this point, I don't know whether to keep using it or not. Soooo tired of being in constant pain! I really don't want to go down the surgery road, but the longer this goes on, the more appealing it sounds. Any comments would be greatly appreciated!
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Re: Nitroglycerin effects

Postby Water Bear » 21 Nov 2017, 16:44

Hi there, I am so sorry to hear you are in such pain and the NTG seems to be making it worse!! That must be *so* frustrating - the thing that is supposed to be helping is making you feel worse...

I don't know about its effect on spasms, but I always found NTG seriously burned my skin when first applied. The burning just after putting it on brought tears to my eyes and would make my whole pelvic floor tense up. Maybe something similar but much more intense is happening with you??

I have just had the LIS a few days ago, after almost 2 years of AF pain, NTG cream, Botox... I lost too much of my life to AF and even though I'm still recovering from the surgery, I now wish I'd had the LIS when this all started.

Let us know what happens with you!
Water Bear
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