for about 3 years now i have had pain around my anal region, and its always in a different place, sometimes its the slight tear just above the anus between the cheeks, which keeps coming and going.
sometimes its a pain just below the anus on the opening, and sometimes its all around!
about a year ago now in august 2013 it was unbearable and i was sitting in a bowl of hot water regularly in my room whilst watching tv. thats when i said enough was enough and got referred to the hospital.
i saw a man who seemed to pinpoint the fissure and gave me some GTN cream and said if it didnt work he may have to operate. anyway the GTN was awful and gave me horrendous headaches so the next time i went back i was greeted by someone else, not the original man. he gave me a different cream 'Diltiazem hydrochloride 2% Cream', i ended up on THREE courses of this cream over the period of 3/4 months.
and on my final appointment with him he sent me packing after doing an examination and saying 'there isnt much to see'.

i felt better, but not healed, but i took his word for it and waited a couple of months and the problem still persists, admittedly not as bad as i was a year ago, but still irritating. i went back to my doctor and he referred me to a different hospital.
i have my first appointment there last month and he said he was treating me as a new patient disregarding the time i had at the other hospital, and he ofcourse prescribed me Diltiazem hydrochloride 2% Cream. i used it, and while using it the pain does seem to be a little less harsh but as soon as i come off it the problems start up again the longer i am off it, so on my appointment last week at the same hospital but annoyingly with a DIFFERENT doctor, who again prescribed me Diltiazem hydrochloride 2% Cream . so this is the FIFTH time i am using it in the space of a year.
he mentioned that i either live with the problem as a 'lifestyle' thing, or i go for the muscle cutting operation.
now i have been living with it, but living with it in the hope that one day it will be better again. does it sound like LIS will solve all my problems?
as i say, i have read other stories about people being in ''agonizing'' pain and ''bleeding'' but that is not me. It has not been bleeding down there at all since i stopped using toilet tissue around 18 months ago and instead use a personal 'sitz bath' type thing to clean myself. i also would not say its ''agonizing'', it is just EXTREMELY irritating. sometimes painful, sometimes not so painful.
i also avoid having any kind of sexual encounter alot incase they end up 'seeing' down there or trying to 'touch' down there. so in a way it does affect my life, and i do have the odd sleepless night. because of the pain (i am a very light sleeper so anything sets me off)
is it worth me going for the procedure? will it help me? will it leave me with a scar? COULD it make things worse??

i have no idea about this, so any help would be appreciated. sorry for the long post, i know it won't make much sense but i hope i have given the jist of things.