Odd Symptom

Hoping someone has heard of this

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Odd Symptom

Postby sb2 » 21 Jun 2014, 17:36

Now that spasming is gone post LIS, I'm finding this strange pattern of feeling very sensitive late in the afternoon and early evening. I feel the cut of the fissure and the tissue at the anal opening is sensitive and a bit swollen. It also feels very warm down there. I realize body temperature tends to rise late afternoon. I wonder if the rise in temperature is causing irritation? Any other LISers experienced or heard of this?
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Re: Odd Symptom

Postby Scientist2516 » 22 Jun 2014, 10:58

I haven't had LIS, but standing and walking seemed to increase pressure and pain in my anal area. Are you more active in the afternoon, do you spend more time standing?
I hope you get better soon.
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Re: Odd Symptom

Postby sb2 » 25 Jun 2014, 17:03

I think I may have uncovered my problem with pain in the afternoon. I have been sitting on a heating pad at my desk, and I am noticing the afternoon pain connected with this. I think I have been over doing with the heating pad on high for long stretches of time.
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Re: Odd Symptom

Postby Jbl22424 » 25 Jun 2014, 21:55

Do you still have spasms, sb2? Do you think things are improving for you?
Developed fissure from constipation due to breastfeeding 7 weeks after delivery (Jan 2014)
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Re: Odd Symptom

Postby sb2 » 27 Jun 2014, 19:34

Hi JBL. No spasms, but at times it still feels like an open wound. The no spasm part of this since the surgery is great. The pain is so much better than before the LIS, but there have been days when I feel almost normal, and other days it feels very full and irritated down there - those are the days the fissure feels like an open cut. This process is so very frustrating with all of the ups and downs. How are you doing?
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Re: Odd Symptom

Postby Jbl22424 » 27 Jun 2014, 22:07

It still sounds like you are on the road to recovery, I'm sure it just takes some patience!

I'm doing great. In the first month since LIS, I still had a little irritation or something right after a Bm. No pain but something felt maybe a little off. That is going away now I think. But I can't complain, haven't felt fissure pain since a week post op and I haven't spent any time crying or stressing about my fissure since then either. That has been the best part.

I'm fully back to my normal diet, too, which is amazing. Had drinks and Chinese food tonight with hardly any fiber and I know I don't have to worry.
Developed fissure from constipation due to breastfeeding 7 weeks after delivery (Jan 2014)
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