I am 29 year olds, no family history of any cancer. I cannot go to a specialist since I don't have health insurance.
This morning, I went to the Emergency Room hospital. For symptoms of extreme painful bowel movement with lots of fresh blood, and a painful lump like stick out of my anus. I swear, all my symptoms are leaning toward anal fissures, but doctor said I have thrombosed hemorrhoid

Due to I have rectal bleeding, they order a blood test, they took out a lot of my blood. Doctor said test result come out normal, no blood loss, kidney function also normal.
The Emergency Physican M.D. (who is not a gastroenterologist) he examined my anus. The nurse help shine light and the doctor do the exam. He said I have external hemorrhoids, swollen too. Just hemorrhoids and a skin tag.
I asked him if the lump was a cancer mass. He said: No, it just thrombosed hemorrhoids.
Since blood test also show no blood loss. He prescribed me stool softener medicine, and hemorrhoid cream for pain. Then discharge me home. He said if I still worried, he or my family doctor can be refer to a gastroenterologist.
So my question are: Since he is just a M.D. Physican in E.R room, can he really tell the difference between thrombosed hemorrhoid, and anal cancer mass? Should I believe the E.R doctor?
Should I see my primary doctor, who is just a family doctor. Should I get a second opinion?
Since I don't have health insurance now, I find it hard to go to a specialist.
E.R doctor did say, he can only see what is outside. Inside need to be see by GI doctor.
Maybe I just worried too much.
Any advice is greatly appreciated, thank you.
And if anyone suffering from hemorrhoid, please give me some tips, thank you.