One weird trick that helps to control spasms

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One weird trick that helps to control spasms

Postby John345 » 20 Oct 2017, 02:59

This is for those of you who have regular spasming of the spinchter muscle throughout the day like I do. Even when I am not taking a poop or anything, it sometimes just decides that it wants to spasm. Usually this would happen just when sitting for a long time while working, or randomly. Obviously this is not good for the fissure healing.

This might not work for heavy bleeders or if you have big fingers, but put your index finger in your butthole. You may need some lubrication to ease it in. You don't need the whole thing in there just a third or half. When you have it in there you will feel the spasms and the pressure, then you can focus your mind on the spinchter muscle and try to stop the spasms. You will feel if and when it starts to work as the pressure on your finger lessens. Hold it there for a few minutes then slowly and carefully remove it. You will create a better mind to muscle connection that might help to control it in the future without need for a finger down there.

I was having non-stop spasms the other day, and none of my creams or sitz baths would work. So I just got this idea in my head and tried it and to my surprise it worked. The spasms happened a few more times and I repeated the procedure. Now 24h later its just a bit sore but no longer spasming.

I hope this helps.
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