I've had a fissure for several years. It always "heals" (or at least becomes completely asymptomatic) after a few weeks because I'm very good with my fiber, water, Miralax, etc. I only ever had a doctor look at it once, and stubbornly never went back despite multiple recurrences over the past few years. I honestly don't know if it's the same fissure over and over again or if I'm just getting new ones, but my guess is it's the same one because although I can't see it, it feels like its in the same place.
After the last recurrence yesterday, I knew I had to suck it up and go to a doctor again. I scheduled with a CRS but it's not til August.
My two main questions are:
1) is there an OTC cream I can use? I emailed my PCP and she mentioned hydrocortisine cream but isn't that just for hemorrhoids/itchiness? I have no itching really. I'm interested in something that will speed up healing.
2) Since I stupidly never tried any prescription ointments in the past, and my fissure is now almost definitely classified as chronic, I'm worried that I've missed my window in which Nitro or Diltiazem would heal it. Am I doomed to surgery? Anyone have a chronic fissure healed with prescriptions alone?