Pain is unrelenting I am fading away

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Re: Pain is unrelenting I am fading away

Postby Deleted User 7033 » 05 Mar 2018, 06:33

Sorry to hear, and yes a lot of disinformation out there.
Last I checked cancer is a form of fungus which can be killed off with natural remedies.
Parasites, pathogens, bacterial infections fungus all fall under the same umbrella they infest the body at some time or other and stop it from being able to heal itself.
The body is self healing given the right conditions theres tons of info out there also.
Sorry this makes you angry.
Hope you work it out.
Deleted User 7033

Re: Pain is unrelenting I am fading away

Postby patience_and_healing » 06 Mar 2018, 15:04

Dude (or lady), you need to stop aggravating people on this forum with unscientific and unproven nonsense. You're the one spreading "disinformation".
8/16-12/16: Fissure due to antibiotics
5/17: Botox to sphincter, fissure healed
9/19: Trigger point injections and pudendal nerve block
11/19: Botox to pelvic floor
8/20: Botox to pelvic floor in new location.
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Re: Pain is unrelenting I am fading away

Postby OttawaMarc1234 » 06 Mar 2018, 17:39

Are you from Planet Xylecon? Maybe you should be beamed up with your Alien Fungus and Parasites back to your Mothership...take as much Earthly Turpentine as you sure us Sane Earthlings dont mind parting with some!
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Re: Pain is unrelenting I am fading away

Postby Deleted User 7033 » 06 Mar 2018, 18:28

Feel better??
I didn't think so.
Can't make an informed decision without the correct info. Period.
Act on it? Don't act on it who cares. I'm just a messenger.
Be Blessed

P.S there are no planets but there are stars AND wandering stars.
Deleted User 7033

Re: Pain is unrelenting I am fading away

Postby hurtinend » 06 Mar 2018, 19:41

so let me, the originator of this thread chime in....

Nothing wrong with pine oil, I am aware of it. It is touted for its antibacterial and anti inflammatory properties.

However, after spending thousands of dollars on supplements thus far, no, I'm not going to my nearby herbalist to purchase it. By the way, if it really cured cancer, people would know.
I've now been told my pelvic muscles are dysfunctional, it's a functional problem. Not sure if it can be fixed but there is no simple cure.
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Re: Pain is unrelenting I am fading away

Postby Deleted User 7033 » 06 Mar 2018, 19:56

Hi, this is exactly the reason why natural methods are suppressed. Think about it, you just proved it with your comment.
Why give the public or general population a way to not part with their money.
Bottom line is its business as usual thats it.
They don't care about you or me they care about how much money they can make you part with and you'll do anything for your life.
You'll buy all the recommended drugs and you won't even care if the small print has the word death as a side effect because you're sick and you need help.
You seem to think I'm the enemy but I'm on this forum to spread the good news.
I use Pine Oil daily. I'm no longer sufferering and have no more anxiety on how and what medication I'm going to try next.
I'm on your side.
Put your pride aside and look into it. Thats all I'm saying. It helped me, it could help you.
Whats the worse that can happen?
You'll realise your doctor lied to you and then you'll wake up and help others as I'm trying to do.
Deleted User 7033

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