Pain post botox, fissurectomy and skin tag removal

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Pain post botox, fissurectomy and skin tag removal

Postby Lola5 » 16 Aug 2019, 10:08

Hi guys!

I'm new here, so thought I'd introduce myself first... I'm a 31 year old from the UK and have been living with this blasted problem for 9 years now. It's hell haha! It started as one fissure and a skin tag, then later multiplied to two. I tried everything for the first year or so, creams, diet, laxatives... before eventually having surgery (not full LIS but a dilation and skin tag removal). It worked for about 6 months but then I re-tore, and was back to square one, tags grown back and all. My doc recommended not getting surgery due to my age and the risks involved. So have been living with the awful pain on and off ever since.

Finally I was referred to a great CRS at the end of last year (who was outraged that I'd been effectively told to just sit on this problem and do nothing). And at the beginning of last week I was given botox, along with a double fissure excision and skin tag removal x2. Hooray!

The thing is, almost 12 days later and I am still in pain. It's a sort of dull ache or pressure at best that feels like pressure on my back and pelvis. Then spasming agonising pain after BMs that lasts for ages.

The other thing I'm dealing with is a strange sort of feeling during BMs where I kind of can't 'complete' as it were. It's like I can't finish pushing it out due to a numbness down there. It's like being constipated even though with the amount of movicol I'm getting through there's no way I can be.

I wondered if anyone else has had an experience like this after this surgery and it's normal to feel so bad almost two weeks later? I'm so worried that surgery won't have worked and with 2 fissures to try and heal everything the odds are stacked against me.

In addition, I'm feeling kind of unwell. Just so lethargic and faint when I stand up, like I have no energy for anything. Granted I was younger when I last had an operation but I don't remember feeling this grotty. Anyone else had this after surgery?

There's also the other issue of having to go back to work on Monday and having literally no idea how I'll be able to sit at a desk without crying.

Any advice so appreciated! Thank you in advance!

xx :thanx:
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Re: Pain post botox, fissurectomy and skin tag removal

Postby Okaybum » 20 Aug 2019, 07:27

I started to feel better after Botox and hem removal on week 3. Fissurectomy takes long as well. You should notice a difference in week 2-3.

I used GTN/nifedipine which helped and I got a standing desk.
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