Panicking because of fissure

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Panicking because of fissure

Postby aziu.y » 13 Jun 2024, 14:36

Hello everyone. It's been some time since I've suspected that I have a fissure and I just need some help with some of the questions i have.
Just to be clear I never had kids and any pathologies in that area whatsoever, there was just this one day when I held in my poop and probably got the fissure as a result.. (after that day I never had any constipation or diarrhea)
The thing is, since that day when I think I got the fissure, I haven't felt any pain and haven't seen any blood on toilet paper (according to the internet those are main symptoms of a fissure). So I basically never felt anything since that day and was a bit surprised when I saw some redness in there after like a couple of weeks. The fissure seems to be very small and on only one side of the anus, the other side seems to be perfectly healthy. Today it's been 2 months since the day I suspect i got it and if it is in fact a fissure I don't even know anymore whether it's acute or chronic, different websites say different things..
To return to the subject of symptoms the only thing i probably feel is some itching, but i'm not sure if that's because of the fissure itself or because of the fact that i tend to be really nervous about anything weird happening in my life :/ ( i really do have anxiety)
There is also some general redness in the perianal area but i wouldn't link it to the fissure, I remember having that redness several times in my life in the beginning of summer season for example, so i think it might me some sort of dermatitis. Could also be hereditary as I have relatives with dermatitis in different areas of the body.
I also need to mention that I can't really go see a doctor.. it might sound stupid but I'm an immigrant (now living in Canada) and here, as I personally already know, you would have to wait up to half a year to see a doctor specializing in such delicate or just more specific subjects than simple flu or fever..
Not going to my home country anytime soon so now I'm wondering, could anyone please suggest any local ointments or such to apply to that "fissure"? And i also really need help with identifying whether it is even a fissure or not..
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