People with knowledge on botox injections wanted

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People with knowledge on botox injections wanted

Postby LostForWords » 26 Aug 2017, 07:57

Hi all.

I haven't been online for quite some time, hope all is doing well (as well as one can be when dealing with fissures that is).

I have been dealing with multiple cronic anal-fissures for about 4 years now and have tried pretty much anything except surgery. I finally decided to go for botox and if that doesn't work, LIS. If the CRS agrees that it would be a worth a try that is.

I'm up for an anoscopy on the first of september which will be done under full anesthesia due to the expected pain. If the CRS finds that botox seems like a good option, I will be given the injections as part of the procedure. If they find skin tags or scar tissue when they might remove that or some of it too or I might have to come back and have that done at some point later on.

But for the sake of this thread, lets go with the assumption that I will indeed be given Botox injections.

What can I do in order to make the recovery go as smooth as possible? Basically, I'm asking for ANY kind of advice that you the reader, think that I might benefit from hearing. So don't hold anything back ;)

Anything I can do to minimize the risk of infection?

I do daily sitz-baths with added dead sea salt, should I continue doing this right after the procedure or should I hold off until I feel like the post-op recovery is done with? I intend to ask my CRS the same question but would still like others input on this.

I did self-dilation for a few months a while back with positive results and intend to start over once I'm past the recovery phase. Any problems with doing this post-botox? How long should I wait after the injections before I start dilating again?

As I said, any advice is more than welcome!
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Re: People with knowledge on botox injections wanted

Postby LemonMan » 26 Aug 2017, 14:04


I've had botox recently. It really wasn't much to write home about. The main issue I think is urgency issues. I.e. When you need to go you need to go, and there is no messing around.

After the first week I started to feel much better, but still had to keep my stools soft and use diltiazem. After about seven weeks I felt almost back to normal.

Unfortunately at eight weeks things reverted to before botox.

I kept myself super clean with moist wipes. I think your CRS will let you know if there is any signs of possible infection and if there was the need to clean anything out, but if you are concerned about that I would use something like sudocrem (zinc oxide) to keep bacteria at bay.

My main message to you is not to worry about botox, it's a very conservative procedure that lasts around 3 months.

Hope it goes well, LM
Aug 14: Anal Abscess diagnosed
Dec 15: Anterior Anal Fissure diagnosed
Jan 16: Anoheal - Thought was healed end of Jan
Apr 16: Anoheal - Thought was healed end of May
Sep 16: Fissure back. Started Anoheal again
May 17: Botox and banding - fingers crossed
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Re: People with knowledge on botox injections wanted

Postby Fissurefrustration » 29 Aug 2017, 06:09

I've had Botox twice now, and it's very straightforward. Chances of infection are very low, as long as you sitz after every BM :)

keep us posted

Suffering since June 2013

Methods tried:
GTN cream - migraines!
Manuka Honey / Coconut oil / Aloe
tag excision X 2, botox x 3
dilatation 2 X daily + Retin-C Vitamin Scar Treatment Oil 2 X daily - best thing ever.
Now pain free 2/7/21
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