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Postby miserablelife » 27 Dec 2015, 01:41


a little bit of self introduction i'm a 20 year old male from Singapore. i'm new to this forum so please do guide me along and sorry if im posting on the wrong page.

i have a very tight pelvic floor which contributes to my constipation and anal fissure over the past 1 year,however been managing well and healed up my fissure. I constantly felt pressure and tightness in my anus be it siting or standing.
However things went downhill 4 days back. i was hvaing my BM as usual in the morning when halfway my anus began to cramp/spasm. it became so tight like someone had put a golf ball in there, despite the cramp i'm able to finish my BM as my stool were rather loose. Afterwards my anus got so tight and stiff throughout the whole. the pressure was intense.

The following morning the same thing happened exactly and the cycle continues.
I'm so worried i dont know what is it and how it occur randomly. But i i think it was mainly becasue of doing too much Kegals excersise that causes this. however i'm not sure. i was told to do kegals by my doc due to a suspected internal rectal prolapse.

there is questions i would like to ask:
1. i read up and saw that magnesium supplement is a muscle relaxant, however i don't what type of magnesium for my case and how much of dosage. i'm a 21 year old male.
2.How much dosage do you guys consume and what is the name of it> magnesium nitrite? i'm cluless
3.Is there any way to stop this anus spasm every morning during my BM?
tied sitz bath but was pretty much useless. also tried Diapgram breathing but i cant seem to relax my pelvic floor or even feel them when its in this state.

Thank you so much for reading and please help me. i'm desperate.
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Postby msimon » 27 Dec 2015, 14:53

Hi there. Welcome to the forum! So glad you found us but sad that you had to. We understand what you are going though. I especially understand the spastic pelvic floor. It's a problem I have had for more years than I can count. Then I got an anal fissure and it because a major reason that I couldn't heal it. It's been a very long, painful road but I did manage to heal.

Yes, kegel exercices can cause tightness in the pelvic floor when overdone. The trick is to find the right balance for you. I am surprised you are suspected of having prolapse at such a young age. What makes them say this?

I take magnesium citrate and magnesium bisglycinate, with the latter apparently being the most highly absorbed. Dosage will depend on your needs and bowel tolerance. Too much and it will give you the runs. You would have to experiment.

When my rear is giving me trouble with evacuation I squat to poop. This has turned into a most-of-the-time thing for me now. But it does help with lessening that kink at the bottom so you can get things out. Have you tried squatting?
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Postby miserablelife » 27 Dec 2015, 18:13

hi msimon,

its due to my history of a rectal prolapse once when i was just a toddler. And i often felt heaviness and had in-complete bowel movement everyday till now. :(

So i was desperate and bought a magnesium supplement yesterday and realised its made up of magnesium oxide and magnesium phosphate which adds up to 300mg in total for one pill. i took it last night but to no relieve of the cramp today during my bowel movement.

Does magnesium supplement work overnight? or how long does it takes to work. i can't differenciate weather am i having loose stool or just because of the lactulose that ive been taking everyday. however, i felt like my stool is way looser today. does this meant that i am not suitable and did i not get any of the effects at all ?

Well squatting dosen't help either for me, when it cramps it just cramp and i get cramps and tightness throughout the day as well. is there any other ways to realease the tension in the anus/pelvic muscles?

And will the doc give a botox injection even when i don't have a fissure currently? my doc appointment is still months away and i'm desperate for help.

i felt really down and suicidal these days, i'm depressed and felt like i have to live with this forever despite in my young age.
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Postby Savaici » 02 Jan 2016, 21:30

Believe me, there are many others on here who know exactly how you feel. I suggest you get an appointment with another specialist if your appointment is so far off. There is also a lot of information on here if you do a search using the Search thar you will find above, situated between the FAQ and Portal. There you can search by topic, which might help you. Spasms and pain (of the excruciating variety...) are common - sadly - to anal fissures. :smilyhug:

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Postby Shania213 » 03 Feb 2016, 15:06

Don't give up!. There is an answer out there for everyone, whatever that may be.
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Postby miserablelife » 06 Feb 2016, 17:53

Thanks for the encouragement Shania i hope everything does well for you too :)
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