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Postby missy moo » 30 Aug 2021, 15:14

Day 14 using Vaseline
Pain and blood is back but my fissure is old 8 years so its become a muscle problem not a fissure/skin problem. Cream can't fix the muscle. I'm going to try rectogesic again 3x a day for 6wks.
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Postby Conifer » 31 Aug 2021, 01:24

Ah Missy I’m so disappointed to hear the pain and blood is back. I’ve been reading a lot of your posts from over the years (feel a bit like your stalker!) and was so hopeful you had found your silver bullet to this thing. How are you feeling? Do you find your pain lasts all day or is it at least manageable in the short term?

I’m on day 7 of Vaseline and it’s up and down. I’ve no idea if one day will be good or bad. Bms all cause soreness - not glass cutting pain and no blood from what I can tell but it feels like a graze is being irritated. Then the stinging starts which a sitz bath gets under control. But then mid morning the burning and sometimes sharp spasms start and can be with me for a couple hours to the rest of the day. Though I’ve had 3 goodish days the past week. But not perfect or normal. Good for fissure pain which is of course still sore.

I agree with you in that for me too it’s a muscle thing. Everything is too tight. But I need to not be reliant on rectogesic due to trying for baby. I’m hoping I’m going to be a lucky one that ‘heals’ during pregnancy and then I can deal with this afterwards otherwise I’m facing months of pain and tears. I don’t know how you’ve coped for 8 years - you must have such a strong mind!
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Postby MyBumHasHurt » 31 Aug 2021, 06:53

Great news! My doc says my fissure is no more. She advised me to continue to apply the vaseline after my daily shower.
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Postby missy moo » 31 Aug 2021, 20:57

Conifer i tell you it has been 1 hell of a journey. Ups an downs the whole time. Not fun but I'm still here. My stong mind emotional an mental health has been tested for sure. All this while getting pregnant birthing an raising 3 kids. I use to feel defeated now i just try to remain in that feeling of its just good days and bad days. I will likely get lis at some point in my life. I know my muscle is tight. No creams will fix a chronic fissure no foods or water intake is to blame those are excuses we tell ourselves in hope of being able to fix it ourselves we still have control when we have an at home fix, at one point we must give up the control an that is probably the lesson in it. A few things I'd tell people with a fissure.
1. Don't waste your money on creams use rectogesic if you just got your fissure within the last few days or weeks after 6wks its LIS.
2. Don't go mad on your diet an think its happened because overnight you become lactose intolerant or gluten sensitive. Eat healthy and drink water but don't get fixated!
3. Do yoga or meditation for relaxation its stressful having a fissure on top of this crazy world we now live in.
4. Botox is 50/50 it really is a hit an miss. I've been on this site for nearly 8yrs and i think i read of 1 success with botox. I've had it twice an I'm still here.
5. If your fissure like mine heals an retears its likely either caused by constipation or a tight muscle, you'll know if your passing hard stools. My fissure has retorn from soft stool.
6. If your fissure just doesn't heal maybe you could try a barrier cream like Vaseline 3x a day or atleast before each bm.
7. If you cant put a finger inside to apply cream then your muscle has either got a high resting pressure or its in spasm both of which need treating with either rectogesic if your fissure is less then 6wks old or LIS if your fissure is older then 6wks old.
8. If your fissure continues passed 6wks see a colorectal specialist (crs) for treatment.
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Postby PuppyFace » 02 Sep 2021, 11:24

My fissure is 10 years old now and I am about to give up. This has changed my life and nothing works. Has anyone had any good results?
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Postby Conifer » 02 Sep 2021, 11:29

Thank you for this list. I think I am pretty much alligned with everything you have said.

Its been a rough week for me - sadly the vaseline isnt working for me I don't think. I had my worst pain day ever on Tuesday and could barely walk - so awful and really freaked me out. Im also still struggling with dealing with fixing this and trying for a baby again but after a week where I have become hugely depressed I have decided to book in botox with my CRS. He cant see me for 6-8 weeks so I figure if Im pregnant by then I will cancel but if Im not I will go for it.

I wonder how well botox will work based on what Ive read and what you have noted above but whilst I have spasms at some points in the day I am able to apply cream inside and it very rarely is so tight I cant do that. This gives me some hope that botox might sort me. I need to decided what to do about excising the sentinel pile though as I could probably live with it as long as it doesnt cause a new flare up.

Anyway lots of things to think about. so hugely grateful for this forum and taking a lot of comfort from seeing peoples 'last visited' dates being years ago that suggests we will all heal at some point!
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Postby missy moo » 02 Sep 2021, 15:18

Your welcome. I was told by a few surgeons they don't remove them because it just adds to everything ie increases infection risk as its considered a separate surgery in a different area to where they treat plus if your getting botox it will be an unnecessary cut stitch up. I had botox twice an they didn't go near the tag. It just a side effect from fissures. Good luck botox could definitely work for you just have faith. Update us ok
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Postby missy moo » 05 Sep 2021, 02:55

Puppyface you can join my longterm fissure club. No idea at this point just know that lis and dilation are my last two options. Have you done either?
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A Tail of Terror

Postby HENRY22 » 03 Nov 2021, 16:06

Okay...here goes...my own tale of horror...I had a hemorrhoidectomy in April which was very painful and took about a month to recover from. It was one of the most disturbing experiences I have had in my life. At one point, during my recovery, I began bleeding from the wound and had to go to the ER. Lots of blood. Fast forward two months later and I started a new job where I spent most of my day on the road driving. Lots of driving around Phoenix in the summer, climbing into an insanely hot car. Then in mid September began noticing reoccurring pain in area where I have scar tissue so I went back to my surgeon. He had me lie on the exam table and took a look at my rear and told me I had a fissure. He said it was small and would heal within two to three weeks if I applied this cream on it twice a day. After two weeks the pain went away and on my follow up he looked up there again and said I had "closed" the fissure. I walked out of his office feeling so good only to sustain a severe lower back sprain the following day which resulted in a trip to the ER. Was put on muscle relaxers, pain killers and told to stay in bed for another three weeks. So, during this stretch in bed I began noticing that it was pretty much impossible to wipe myself back there. I have been doing sitz baths every day and still couldn't get all the way clean. Now in the last week the fissure pain has returned and it is ALWAYS triggered by a stinging/itching. I feel like I am losing my mind because now that the back sprain has healed I clean myself pretty well after a BM and everything seems fine but then in the afternoon I feel the stinging/itching and immediately run to the bathroom and wipe and find a little poo still there on my flushable wipe which obviously is irritating the fissure! So I freaked out thinking I had fecal incontinence and went to my Primary Care Physician and he said that I don't but that have developed OCD now about wiping back there in an effort to keep it clean. I am ashamed to confess that I do check my butt now about twenty times a day and more often than not it is clean but once or twice a day I get the stinging/itching and I feel like the fissure has re-opened. I'm so depressed. I read a post by a nice lady here where she advised using Vaseline to cure a fissure. So I am going to start doing that today. I never had any issues with my bum until my surgery and now this fissure business and I have to say that it has been so psychologically debilitating. The intimacy my girlfriend and I used to have is gone, the thought of sitting down for longer than two hours causes me high anxiety and going out in public without knowing where the nearest restroom is is a deal breaker. I just want my life back. I am glad I found this forum and see other humans dealing with similar issues. I am really hoping the Vaseline can restore the life I had before all of this misery. Thanks for reading.
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Postby superuser » 08 Dec 2021, 20:59

Hello! I am new here and am grateful for a forum like this. I got my first fissure (and hopefully the last one) over a month ago and that was the worst pain I have ever experienced my life.... I think I got it due to straining and a large poop. So after reading about it online and checking few posts here, I started following strict diet (small quantity, soft foods, pear/apples, prune juice, multi-vitamins) and using Vaseline (LOTS of it!) and am on the path of healing now. I have no pain or bleeding as long as I keep the stool soft. So I am continuing the same diet and Vaseline regimen to continue the recovery.

However I am experiencing some stool leakage after the BM... It is not much but enough to stain my undergarment and it makes my bum itchy. It happens few times a day after the BM but then eventually stops until the next BM.

I saw few comments here about it so wanted to know things like how long did this leakage last, how did you deal with it, is there some way to treat/cure this issue, Was this a permanent/long lasting thing, or any other tips!! If anyone can share their experience that would be a great help.

Thank you!!
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