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Postby Bottom Gun » 23 Aug 2021, 06:06

Conifer, nice to hear from you. Keep going missy. The reason

I believe the vaseline facillated my healing is because I continued to apply it throughout the day, therefore keeping the fissure coated all day, this kept irritants such as - fecal matter - ayay from my fissure allowing my body to heal it.

Keep it up missy.
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Postby missy moo » 23 Aug 2021, 14:40

Conifer wrote:Thank you for the quick reply. I might try this then. I’ve been using GTN which worked earlier in the year for me but not this time around. I tried dialtzeam recently but caused some rashes which wasn’t pleasant. Botox etc isn’t an option for me at the moment for various reasons. My other concern (aside from spasms/burning which can be really quite bad and last a lot of the day) is I have a sentinel pile too which gets really inflamed and very sore. My CRS thinks next step is to remove it and do Botox but I can’t do this just at the moment so Looking for other options.

Every surgeon I've seen has said the same thing do not remove the tag its caused by the fissure an does nothing wrong but looks ugly removing it would be unnecessary surgery its considered a separate surgery so increased infection rate, issues like poor healing etc is increased its like getting rid of a non problematic hemroid its just silly. Just my opinion.
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Postby Conifer » 23 Aug 2021, 15:03

Hey again Missy - thanks for that info. I feel the same. I’m wondering that if the pile is caused by the fissure and you remove it but the fissure is still active then surely it’s just going to reoccur?? My CRS said it impedes healing though so I guess another aspect of this vicious fissure cycle we all seem to end up in.
I don’t care about the pile/tag tbh as no one sees it. It’s just so swollen and sore just now. My CRS said he could do Botox without touching it but didn’t expect it would have any effect due to it being there. I just want to avoid all hospital treatment for now (long story of trying to conceive in the next few months with a low egg count after 2 miscarriages this year and not wanting to lose any time). It makes me just so miserable and all I seem to do is cry about it!

But my Vaseline journey starts tomorrow. How are you getting on with it? Still well I hope!
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Postby Deleted User 8923 » 23 Aug 2021, 17:38

Conifer, the vaseline worked for me. Healed my fissure. In my experience if you feel a burning or stinging sensation after applying the vaseline that is a sign that either I haden't cleaned myself fully following a BM or I've had some leakage that needed to be cleaned. After cleaning I put on more vaseline. I agree with bottomgun, What has kept me from healing up till now was my fissure wasn't clean enough for long enough time to heal. The vaseline acted like a pasty bandage once I was clean so I could heal. That and avoid hard BMs.
Deleted User 8923


Postby missy moo » 23 Aug 2021, 21:57

Conifer i don't think a skin tag prevents a fissure from healing and i asked my surgeon about the skintag an she said it doesn't do anything but it gets inflamed when the fissure is playing up. In NZ they dont even remove them when they do lis
Last edited by missy moo on 10 Oct 2021, 06:29, edited 1 time in total.
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Postby missy moo » 23 Aug 2021, 22:00

Also Vaseline seems to be working for ne too im on day 7. No fissure pain or bleeding also soft bms from magnesium citrate and vit c must be helping.
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Postby Bottom Gun » 24 Aug 2021, 06:04

Like hurtinhiney says, the vaseline is acting like a bandage. If you had a skin cut on most areas on your body you would clean the cut, apply a little coating and cover with a bandage.

You can't put a bandage on your fissure due to location. The best you can do is coat the fissure (cut) with petroleum jelly after cleaning. Your body is trying to heal the fissure but only if you can keep it clean and protected.

Great news, missy. Keep your fissure clean and coated. :)
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Postby MyBumHasHurt » 25 Aug 2021, 07:01

Hey Conifer, I found that my pain was caused whenever my fissure was exposed to you know what. I am using the vaseline and it has cured my pain. Whenever I felt the pain I knew it was caused because my fissure needed to be cleaned again. After cleaning I would apply more vaseline and things settled down. I haven't had any pain in a couple weeks now, I'm seeing my doctor next week but I pretty sure my fissure has healed. Good luck.
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Postby missy moo » 25 Aug 2021, 16:06

Mybumhashurt let us know what your doctor says about your fissure and healing.
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Postby Fissurefight » 29 Aug 2021, 22:45

Hi all !
About vaseline i can assure as far as healing or taking away the pain it works. I have suffered from really big pain and after now 2 years of fissure and spasms and second botox shot that didnt work the last time in januari this year i started to investigate about cuts or wounds and how they heal fast and best way. I came to the conclusion that it heals fast if you protect it and keep it clean, and it has to breathe and a fissure in that area wont be clean after you have to poo... So youll have to keep it clean and not let poo irritate it or contaminate the fissure because if it stings while and after pooing the spasms will soon come after... I read that some use vaseline as often they can daily but this in the long run will only protect the fissure from not hurting after pooing and will not heal because the fissure it needs to Breathe so do not overuse , golden rule is keep it clean !!! Before you can put some vaseline and After being in toilet clean it ! And i realy mean it clen it inside ! Then put some vaseline again then under the day ofcource the vaseline will become like fluid and mix with some poo leftover inside and it can get into the fissure but then wash it again and put some inside under the day but you dont have to exagurate with vaseline because the fissure needs som breathing lol you dont need to use a tube a day :) ....

I founded a great thing that i really like to share because i feelt greasy in my buttom all day after the vaseline so i found 2 things :) one that clean your inside and protects and coats it with thin layer and has healing ingredients at the same time...

I live in sweden so i dont know if you can order it from wete you live but i have ordered a verry god tool to use right after beeing on toilet and a oil that helped me to heal id say allmost 100% this last year in to the extend that i only know i had a fissure there before when i really get constipated and then i would have pain 1 out of 10 nothing i think of when i get it because it lasts only 10 min or so after pooing :), its name is proctyclean and its patented by a group of doctors in Austria there who sells it world wide now i think... The litlle tool to cleanse after being on the toilet really clean it inside and that what they emphesize on their page... Similarly what we here are talking about the vaseline the procedure that it protects the fissure from poo then it can heal... Anyway i wanted to share this little tool who have helped me to get my life back again and i strongly strongly recomend vaseline but not to often or to mutch so it tryly can heal and keeeeeep the fissure clean and in about maximum of 10 days or so, say bye bye to the pain that left us apatic in bed twisting and turning around in pain for the rest of the day after being on the toilet....
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