by Uvall » 29 Jun 2016, 21:46
I have changed my diet somewhat. Mainly cutting down on the amount of red meats I had been eating previously. I tried "more fiber more water" as I kept reading everywhere and my first 4 doctors kept repeating to me. But I found out that my normal diet contains enough fiber for me personally and that in fact more fiber was causing things to get worse for me (I had to push during a BM when eating more fiber, things got really sticky and would not come out so easily). And the more water part, well, I had been drinking almost 3 liters of water a day already. Turns out drinking around 8 glasses of water a day and going back to my normal diet, (with just slightly less red meat), was what my body needed. The final doctor I saw, the one who has lead me to recovery, was the only one who told me to listen to my body and that more fiber wasn't for everyone.
Now that I think about it, I have cut out coffee as well. I eat plenty of breads though. but as I was trying to say above. Diet change may work for you and it may not. I firmly believe it's just one of those things you have to experiment with until you find the right combination/quantity of things that work with your system. I worried and stressed over all of that. And the constant diet changes weren't good on my system. So in my opinion if you do start a special diet, ease into it. Now that I can look back on things a little, the worrying part caused more problems than anything. It would have been best for me to just sit back and let things run their course. It takes time to heal from these things.