Post LIS Recovery Time Period

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Post LIS Recovery Time Period

Postby Grant » 17 Oct 2015, 02:56

It's been a week and a half since my LIS and I'm still receiving the same amount of pain (if not worse) with bowel movements as before the surgery. For people who have had LIS surgery done, how long before your pain lessened with bowel movements? I am feeling very discouraged.
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Re: Post LIS Recovery Time Period

Postby Savaici » 17 Oct 2015, 05:44

Grant :wel: to the forum, and damn sorry you have to be here, but glad you found us!

So sorry you're in pain though it will gradually get bettter and try using ibruprofen to keep on top of it pre-BM, using a Sitz Bath to soak, and make sure that you have soft BMs. I have not had the surgery, but from all the others on here that have I will give you a link to Davo's (one of our moderators who did have the surgery) post after his which is a very good writeup of how it went for him.

We do understand where you're at, as know what lousy pain you can get with this, so feel free to rant. Hope the post will give you a good idea of how soon it will all be over, but it does take a little time. Did you have just the 'ordinary' LIS, or do you possibly have a stitch or two there? If you don't know, ask for your medical record of the surgery (if you want it)... Anyway, here is the link to Davo's diary (and there are quite a few more under the Anal Fissure Success Stories).

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Re: Post LIS Recovery Time Period

Postby chachacha » 17 Oct 2015, 09:45

I had LIS in January and had very severe pain in the first 24 hours and then moderate pain (about a level 5 on a pain scale) for about a week afterward. By the end of the second week though, I was almost pain free. I honestly don't know if my pain was from the fissure, the external cut or the one that sliced the inner sphincter, but the pain seemed similar to what I had experienced prior to the surgery (it burned). I hope that things turn around for you soon.
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Re: Post LIS Recovery Time Period

Postby Reds108 » 21 Nov 2015, 09:48

I'm one week post surgery and having the same issue. Terrible pain with BM and after. I'm also very sore from
The stitches. I have to get right in the tub which is hard to do when you're in so much pain. I just keep waiting for the relief. It has to come eventually, right?
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Re: Post LIS Recovery Time Period

Postby fissurefree » 14 Dec 2015, 15:11

Grant and Reds108 I'm new to here post LIS, after about 4 days after surgery I had a BM which was on the pain scale at a excruciating 9. I was in despair thinking it didn't work. I took dulcoease and stayed off pain meds. My second BM was around 3 and my third earlier today 11 days after LIS was pain free with a slight annoyance from surgery. You should be fine soon just control diet drink water and take DULCOEASE
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Re: Post LIS Recovery Time Period

Postby Reds108 » 14 Dec 2015, 15:55

Hey guys... I'm now 4 & 1/2 weeks post surgery. It's been a rough ride. I developed an abscess about two weeks ago and they still have me out of work. It was draining on its own so they didn't operate on it but I'm still having terrible pin with BM. :(
I go for a follow up in two days. The pain isn't as bad as it was before surgery so I just keep reminding myself of that. Hoping it all ends soon.
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Re: Post LIS Recovery Time Period

Postby Grant » 14 Dec 2015, 16:18

It's been two months since my initial surgery, and although the doctor says I'm healing, I'm still in a lot of pain after every bowel movement. I had a second surgery a few weeks after the first one, and I'm having a third one in a couple more weeks. I will let everyone know my status afterwards.
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Re: Post LIS Recovery Time Period

Postby Reds108 » 15 Dec 2015, 13:33

Good Luck Grant! I can't imagine multiple surgeries in a row! Ugh... Prayers for you!
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