Post op, healed? Not healed? mind games!

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Post op, healed? Not healed? mind games!

Postby Harper05 » 07 Jun 2017, 12:39

I am 19 days post op my second LIS. I had my first LIS 4 months ago and I never healed... so this time around it better have worked.. I just don't know how normal healing is suppose to go. I feel incision site pain, but the pain is at like a 2.. I feel some tightness if I have several BM a day..
so some days I feel like wow did I even have surgery and other days I'm like yep I'm still in pain! I saw my CRS last Thursday at my 2 week follow up and he said I'm healing... and now I don't see him for another month!
How am I suppose to know if I'm on the road to recovery, or the pain is bad pain?
I do have itchiness..which I believe is a sign of healing...
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Re: Post op, healed? Not healed? mind games!

Postby Harper05 » 07 Jun 2017, 13:01

And is it normal to still have some tenderness around the fissure?
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Re: Post op, healed? Not healed? mind games!

Postby Harper05 » 07 Jun 2017, 13:04

And is it normal to still have some tenderness around the fissure?
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