Newbie - sore cyclist

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Newbie - sore cyclist

Postby Langgris » 30 Aug 2014, 00:39

Hello all. I am really pleased to find a dedicated forum with such nice folk across the world sharing details and offering helpful and practical support.
I have been suffering for about 8 weeks now - for the first six I assumed I had haemorrhoids but with the hours of pain after each BM and no improvement went to the doctor. So here I am with AF - following orders - using the ointment, drinking plenty & taking fibre supplements.
Like a lot of you I have bad and not so bad days with a daily cycle of pain & soreness following each BM. The worrying thing is I have not 'bounced back' and seen a quick improvement so it could be I have this put up with this for a long time and something possibly for life.
So has a newbie, I have lots of questions and in turn hope I can be of some use with helping others!
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Re: Newbie - sore cyclist

Postby Apes » 30 Aug 2014, 07:28

Welcome to the forum the doctor has put you on the usual first line against AF. I would add that taking a warm bath or a sits bath after your BM should help with the pain. its easy for the doctors to just say add fiber the more important component would be to make sure your BMS are soft. You can do this by monitoring your diet which includes fiber (supplements either Metamicil or Benefiber) and stool softener if necessary. good luck and we are here to answer any questions you have.
Fissure 2/13/14 from Colonoscopy
Nitro no help
Nifedipine no help
Botox 5/5/2014 work in progress
HEALED 10/2014
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Re: Newbie - sore cyclist

Postby Alyssa » 30 Aug 2014, 13:24

So sorry to hear that you had to join this forum but it has been a great site for me as well; I've learned so much and received much needed support. Ask away...
2/14 Fissure developed
3/14 Diagnosed w/ fissure given Nifedipine
4/14 Referred to Pelvic Floor Physical Therapy=Pelvic Floor Dysfunction
5/14 Fissure declared "healed"/chronic anal pain persists
9/5/14 Botox to pelvic floor
9/22 biofeedback
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