30 years old...missing work..trying to recover

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30 years old...missing work..trying to recover

Postby Cpmatty » 07 Mar 2015, 12:09

Hello! My name is Corinne and I am thirty years old. Think I developed fissure after
Poor diet and straining too hard. What I would do to take that morning back!
Been in pain for a month. Finally went to rectal doctor a few days ago and was
Prescribed Rectiv. Dealing with intense pain and itching. I am at the point where I can't go
To work and scared to leave the house as we'll need to turn back around due to pain.
I would appreciate any feedback on your pain level and of it's interfering with life. I can't
Work, clean house, cook, "enjoy time" with my husband which is super frustrating because
We're trying to start a family. My question am I being a baby? Do I need to
'Suck it up' and just come to terms with the pain or will Rectiv kick insoon? Only tine my pain
Lessens is when I am laying on the couch :(
Thanks for reading.
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Re: 30 years old...missing work..trying to recover

Postby Savaici » 07 Mar 2015, 13:51

Welcome to the Forum! Sadly, if you look through the posts, you will see that this is the route an anal fissure takes. Fortunately, yours is relatively new. Rectiv often gives headaches, so just use tiny amounts of it at first. You don't have to "suck it up" when it comes to the pain. It is one of the most intense there is, but difficult to explain to others. Try using a hot bad for the pain, and a Sitz bath (google it) after having a BM as that helps a lot. Rectiv takes time but keep at it for at least six weeks.

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Re: 30 years old...missing work..trying to recover

Postby Cpmatty » 07 Mar 2015, 14:32

Thank you for your post! I know we all like being active so
Being confined to the couch is rough. Also wish we could see the
Wound so knew for sure if we were healing it not. Praying for recovery for everyone
Who suffers from this! Glad this site exist for people to vent and support :)
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Re: 30 years old...missing work..trying to recover

Postby owmybum » 08 Mar 2015, 14:26

No way are you being a baby.... I've never felt pain like it.... And prolonged pain is like torture.

Keep using the cream, lots of nice relaxing baths, drink plenty of water, eat more fruit and veg and natural unprocessed foods and as Sav said, you are early in your affliction... You have a great chance to heal up really quickly.

fissure after hem banding and tag removal feb 11
Pelvic floor therapy
Botox June 13
Internal flap July 14
EUA and polyps removed Nov 14
Diagnosed with neuropathy Jan 15
Diagnosed with HS EDS type 3 (causes poor wound healing )
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Re: 30 years old...missing work..trying to recover

Postby Cpmatty » 08 Mar 2015, 16:43

Thank you for the encouragement :) I am going to add more fruits and veggies! Will let you know of progress! Are you healed or in the process of healing?
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Re: 30 years old...missing work..trying to recover

Postby jlm1 » 09 Mar 2015, 09:53

You are not being a baby. This is a terrible pain.......only people who have been through it understand. I had a c section after many hours of hard labor. The recovery was painful. This is far far worse than that!! Because that ended relatively quickly. So, again, you are not a baby! But try to be positive. It will heal. The body wants to heal itself. Tell yourself this. Dp everything that was already suggested; warm baths, hot water bottle, keep stool soft. I found magnesium to help. Do not overdo the fiber. It can really bulk you up. Just me moderate. Take stool softener, do not strain.
Give it time, it will heal. Read this site for info but don't get obsessed. Vent when you need to. We all understand :)
fissure May 2014
nitro, diltiazem
botox July
fistula surgery, piece of skin tag removed Oct
fissure declared healed Dec
currently have burning/pain-told it is nerve pain
physical therapy, sitz baths, valium suppositories
hoping I am healing
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Re: 30 years old...missing work..trying to recover

Postby Cpmatty » 10 Mar 2015, 12:00

Thank you jlm1. I have been off work to concentrate on healing and trying to stay positive. Your words are exactly what I needed to hear because my husband and I are trying to start a family and I was beginning to think I might not be able to handle the pain of childbirth.
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Re: 30 years old...missing work..trying to recover

Postby jlm1 » 10 Mar 2015, 20:13

Oh after this, childbirth will be a breeze, LOL! As I said, this pain is worse. WORSE than labor. If you can get through this, you can get through anything!
fissure May 2014
nitro, diltiazem
botox July
fistula surgery, piece of skin tag removed Oct
fissure declared healed Dec
currently have burning/pain-told it is nerve pain
physical therapy, sitz baths, valium suppositories
hoping I am healing
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